My school...

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"Don't leave yet, we still have 4 seconds left of class" -Evil math teacher

"What is the river that flows through Jordan called?" -Actual test question!

"Are you writing?" -Classmate when I'm obviously writing

"How will you introduce the problem in your story?" My answer- "By yelling AAAAGGGHHH I'VE BEEN POISONED!!!"

"No, you cannot get up to get a new book" -Evil substitute

"James caught himself on fire. What safety rules are being broken?" -Another actual test question

Me- Can I go to the bathroom? Evil math teacher- No.

"You said one word. Detention!" -Evil math teacher

"Do you have any food?" -Katie (one of my friends)

"You're putting that in your book?" -Also Katie

And who could forget Bella pretending to be a teacher...

"You're supposed to put that down on page 37 in your notebook now lets milk a cow okay now go to page 14 in your math notebook" -Bella pretending to be a teacher

All of these actually happened at my school.

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