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last chapter:

"get home safe ok?"


with that i started my journey home and into my wonderful bed, awaiting tomorrow and the free nuggets.

delaney's p.o.v.

"this is for u, no matter how old u r-"

i groaned and sat up. 'ughhhh school' i thought as i turned off my alarm.


i immediately jumped out my bed and rushed to the bathroom. as fast as i could, i used the toilet, brushed my teeth, took a shower, and brushed my hair, then proceeding to slam the bathroom door open and dart back into my room.

'oml oml oml oml! free nuggets!!' i hurries up and changed into my black ripped jeans and a oversized white t-shirt. then i threw my black hoodie that has a rubber ducky on the front and says "you're the one" on it.

i then quietly tiptoed out of my room, in hopes of my dad not hearing me. still on my tiptoes, i ran down the stairs without making a sound.

i didn't really bother for breakfast, i never eat it anyway. instead of breakfast i usually have coffee, so i then proceeded to gently grab a cup o joe, just to chug it all down.

i swiftly put on my shoes and grabbed my backpack, phone, and earbuds, cause this hoe too broke for airpods.

i opened the front door and ran out of my house. i put my earbuds in as i was running to school, cause there's always time for music, amirite?

Just Right by Got7 is now playing

and that's how the beginning of my day started out 'just right' ( ^_−)
(this song was actually playing, no joke)

timeskip cause i get free nuggets

for once in my life, i wasn't late for school. gotta admit, being early is relaxing cause i don't have to rush to get to my classroom. yet again, i like making dramatic entrances, cause why not?

as i walked through the school gates the people around me stopped why they were doing and looked at me.

"is it that weird to see me here early??" i whispered to myself with a confused look on my face.

noticing they were still looking at me i spoke to them, "uhhh, are y'allsters just gonna stare at me orrrr..?"

they all snapped out of it and went back to their activities.

"weirdos." i once again whispered to myself.

"i know right?" i heard a voice from behind me.

i turned around and saw junghwan there.

"oof hi." wHat tHe foCk waS tHat sEntEnce? i have second hand embarrassment for myself.

"hi hello." is all he responded with a look like he expected me to respond to that.

oh god delaney i swear if you do something stupid again i will sue-

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