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last chapter:

'damn, how many times have i blushed this chapter?'

'it's all because of yeongue though, so it's not technically my fault.'

'speaking of yeongue, he really needs to stop sending me me mixed feelings.'

'does he like me? does he not? the world may never know.'

delaney's p.o.v.

we all continued eating for about 30 more minutes until it started to get pretty late.

i was done with all my food first cause i'm a really fast eater, no joke. while everyone else was finishing up their food i just kept getting refills of coke that i would then chug immediately after.

i came to the table with my 4th glass of coke and placed it on the table as i dat down.

"delaney, you know that too much coke is really bad for you right? it can cause a heart disease." junghwan said as i was about to take a sip of my drink.

i got up from my seat and went up to the counter to get a straw. once i retrieved the straw, i stuck it in my coke.

staring at junghwan right in the eyes, i chugged the whole entire thing with the straw.

he sighed and took a couple more bites of his food, finishing it. hannah, jeongwoo, and haruto were all laughing at the situation while yeongue looked at me with concern.

"you shouldn't do that delaney, i don't want you to get a heart disease." djhsksshhdk. did i just keyboard smash in my thoughts? i think i did.

"o-oh would you look at the time, we should probably get going hannah." i said and grabbed hannah's hand, dragging her along with me.

"but i'm not finishedddd." hannah whined and made a grabby hand at her long gone food.

"i'll order you something when we get to our room, let's goo." i whispered to her, who perked up and started walking on her own.

"sounds like a plan." she whispered back while smiling. we stood in front of the elevator and pressed to the button to go up.

the ride up was silent until we heard a 'ding' signaling that we arrived on our floor.

because of the silence, i did something to try to get her to laugh. i started weirdly dancing while walking.

she started to chuckle a little bit and that made me happy, so i continued to do it until we got to our room.

once i opened the door, i ran and jumped torpedo style onto my bed, and i heard hannah do the same.

grabbing the remote, i turned on the tv and put on the princess and the frog and paused it so we could start it later, cause i heckin love that movie.

"let's change and get ready for bed, then we can watch this!" i said to hannah, with excitement evident in my voice.

"ok sure, you can get the bathroom first." she said looking at me.

yert | kim yeongue DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now