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⚠️warning⚠️ if you don't like topic of abuse you might not wanna read this! i'll put a line where the topic ends if you're sensitive about it

last chapter:

hey guys
where r u?
u were literally just on
this is no fair
i'm suing

lezgetit:hey guys wassup?guys?where r u?u were literally just onthis is no fair hmphi'm suing

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delaney's p.o.v.

i turned my ipod off and turned it over. i still kept my earbuds in my ears tho cause i have nothing else to do.

Am I Wrong by BTS is now playing

i folded my arms on my desk and laid my head in between each arm. i started to slowly fall asleep to the sound of na na na's from Stray Kids' song School Life.

i actually managed to fall asleep.


didn't last long tho.

"hey delaney, you might wanna hear this." my music teacher took my earbuds out of my ears and put them on my desk.

i paused my music and intensely stared at her as she started to explain something.

"alrighty students, so basically, we'll be having a musical talent show within our class, it is mandatory. what we're basically gonna be doing, is taking the winner from each music class, which means there will be 4 winners, but that's not all! we will be pairing up the winners and they'll go against the other pair. one last thing! the final 4 who participate will have a chance to be scouted by an entertainment company, as there will be companies at the finals!! that's all! any questions?"

a girl three seats in front of me raised her hand.

"are we aloud to originally do this in pairs?" she asked as she cling onto her best friend.

'that's pretty gay, but then again so am i' i thought to myself as i quietly chuckled at their cuteness.

"i'm sorry, but you can't do it in pairs. it would be too hard to evaluate you both." the teacher said with a 'i'm sorry' face.

the two girls whined. "awWwWww"

"ok! anymore questions? no one! ok good! you may now start planing out what song you would like to preform and how you want to preform it!" the teacher then sat back down and started doing work on her computer.

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