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last chapter:

i leaned back into his chest as he hugged me tighter. i could feel myself slowing drifting off to sleep, unaware of the glare i was getting from a certain plastic rat.

delaney's p.o.v.

i still felt arms around me as i slowly gained consciousness. although i was now fully conscious, i refused to open my eyes.

i stayed where i was and changed the position of my head, so it was sideways now.

i could hear soft snore from behind me, so i knew yeongue was still asleep.

after about 5 minutes in this position, i decided to open my eyes and scan my surroundings.

nothing much was going on, most of the other students were either sleeping or whispering to each other while on their phones.

i didn't want to wake up yeongue by moving off of him, so i reached over to grab my phone for a source of entertainment.

i turned it on to be met with 4 notifications.

koala 🐨
when r u coming back to work

+3 more notification
swipe to see more

i unlocked my phone and viewed my messages from junkyu.

when r u coming back to work

plz come back soon

it's so lonely here

mashi won't come keep
me company

calm ur tits my dude

i'm on the bus to go home now


ur literally 5 wth

how r u my boss again?

well it all started 3 1/2 years
ago when you came up to
my cafe begging for a job-

up shut

u were the one who asked 🤷‍♂️

anyways, i'm bored

hi bored i'm delaney

ur mean ☹️

no i'm delaney


i'm gonna go break into mashi's house now, at least he'll appreciate me.

uh junkyu isn't that illegal-

bye bye!

yert | kim yeongue DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now