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last chapter:

yeongue and i continued to talk, oblivious to the smirks we were getting from our friends that have been watching us this whole time.

delaney's p.o.v.

"so delaney, what entertainment company are you going to today?" i was asked by yeongue who was currently playing with my hand underneath the breakfast table.

"i'm going to jyp again, how bout you?" i returned the question to him.

"i'm gonna check out yg today." he nodded while telling me.

"oh ok! do you know what the other boys are doing?"

"yeah they're coming with me to yg."

"awwww you're leaving me all alone!" i whined and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"w-what about hannah? do you know where she's going?" he stuttered. i could literally feel the heat radiating from his face.

"oh i haven't asked! one sec!" i brought my head off his shoulder and turned my head in the direction of hannah.

"hannah!" i called out to her.

"delaney!" her attention was brought towards me.

"what company are you going to?"

"sm, why?"

"nO IM LEFT ALL ALONEE!" i hit my head on the table and just kept it there.

they all started to hold in their laughs, letting a few giggles slip out.

"meanies." i pouted and crossed my arms away from them.

"but you love us~" jeongwoo cupped his face and smiled.

"especially yeongue~" haruto teased and copied jeongwoo's actions.

"shut up karen." i replied, blushing. yeongue his his face in his hoodie, though it was pretty obvious that he too, was blushing.

"w-well would you look at the time, it's already 9:30, we should head to the lobby now." yeongue stood up and grabbed his empty plates as well as mine and walked up to the counter to return them.

i stood up with him as well and walked with him to the counter. there was a silence between us as we made our way to the counter, it wasn't awkward though.

once the plates were returned, we left the counter and went to the lobby to wait for the teacher and the bus to arrive.

"thanks for taking up my plate." we sat down on a couch made for 3 people.

"no problem, it wasn't much effort to carry a couple more plates." we were both on the corners of the couch, which was a couple feet away from each other.

"hEY GUYS!" jeongwoo popped up with the others in front of us. he was about to sit down in the middle of the couch when yeongue slapped his butt, causing him to jump up in surprise.

"what the frickity frackin heck yeongue! that was gay!" jeongwoo rubbed his butt while yeongue smiles at him.

"oops." he replied and scooted over to the middle seat, so he would be next to me.

yert | kim yeongue DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now