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last chapter:

"let me show you how it's really done dear delaney." brittney went front and center in the dance room, then the music started.

Red Flavor by Red Velvet is now playing

delaney's p.o.v.

brittney started to move along to the music with the original choreography. i didn't really expect much out her. she honestly wasn't that bad.

she managed to put out a good dancing image for herself, as the others in the class really liked it.

i admit, her facial expressions were quite on point, but her moves could be a bit smoother.

"not bad." i told her with a slight smile when she walked past me. all i got was a scowl in return, but i don't really care.

class continued on for the rest of the day, ending at 4:45. the class basically consisted of felix, hyunjin, and minho showing us some new moves and teaching us, or at least trying to, teach us part of district 9.

"well guys, that's all for today! sorry it wasn't very interesting, we'll try to come up with a better plan for next time~" felix chuckled and nudged hyunjin to speak.

"a-ah yeah. thanks for coming, continue to work hard in whatever you choose to do! see ya tomorrow." he said and does a small wave.

"byeeee!" they all harmonized to us as we were leaving the door.

me being me, i was last in line so i turned around to face them and looked felix straight in the eye.

"cheerio mate!" i said in the most australian accent to ever accent the australian. (a/n: i may or may not have used wikipedia for australian slang n stuff-)

not forgetting to wink and do a little finger wave thingy, i left the room in a tiny fit of laughter cause i just crack myself up sometimes.

i jogged up ahead to catch up with the group who were still in that hall. i put my earbuds in with a tiny smile.

I Wait by Day6 is now playing

i hummed along to the beat and shook my head along with the song . y'know. the usual. doesn't everyone do this when listening to day6? even if it's a song like Beautiful Feeling, it's still worthy of the head bop.

luckily i was still in the back of the line so no one could see me, or that'd be embarrassing. (a/n: i deadass tried to spell embarrassing like imbarassing, it's the thought that counts)

the song was soon over, which led to my head bopping to stop. we had also arrived at the doors of the jyp building.

exiting, everyone went to go find their friends and get in line for the bus.

once again i sat alone and at the back of the bus. putting my hood on my head i decided to doze off just like the last ride.

Wolf by EXO is now playing

sis, even if this fricking hardcore song is on, i could still fall asleep to it. by the way, i'm a hoe for this song. chogiwa my dudes.

yert | kim yeongue DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now