< | ignore | n5 >

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< where number five ignores you due to his business with saving the world >

You and five were childhood friends that were raised by the same father. You both felt uncomfortable calling eachother 'brother' and 'sister' so you used the term 'best friend.' He had feelings for you from the beginning and finally confessed after he came back from being gone for 17 years. Ofcourse, you said yes and soon were in a relationship with him.

Five was in his room, once again. You were happy to see him trying his best to save the world but it seemed that he had forgotten about you. Everything about you, like you never existed. You wanted him to notice you so you tried your best. Every. Single. Thing you would try but it all resulted into a massive failure with him excusing himself or telling you to get lost as nice as he could. He wasn't that mean.

You even tried seducing him, which you regretted doing after, but he told you that he didn't want to play your games right now. He was too fixated on the thought of saving the world and you respect him for that, but sometimes you wish you were able to spend more time with him.

"Five, babe, are you done? It's been a while since we both hung out. I miss you so much!" You whined while entering his room. Looked like he was still figuring things out. "Not now. Busy," he responded plainly.

You sighed, not wanting to disturb him so you walk out and to your room. You started drawing. It was one of the many things that made you feel calm. You always drew your feelings and emotions. This time, you drew a girl in a room filled with people who didn't bother talking nor looking at her. It represented you feeling ignored and unimportant. Five always told you were the most important thing in his life.. but was he lying?

You couldn't think of the right colors so you colored it black and white. Two of your most favorite colors (if it isn't, just pretend it is). They scream sadness and happiness at the same time.

You stood up from your chair and sped-walked to the kitchen where Grace, your mother, was at, making cookies with a smile on it. One of your favorite desserts from her. "Hey mom. May I have some of those? I'm quite hungry," you said with a small smile. "Ofcourse sweetie, they're all yours if you want. Actually, leave some for the rest, they might get hungry," she replied, giving you a plate of cookies. "Thank you mom." They were delicious, as always.

Midway into eating, Five came downstairs and sat in front of you. "Can I have some?" He asked, pointing at the plate. "I don't know, can you?" You said, annoyed and rolling your eyes. You knew Five hated being corrected so why not give him some payback. "Wow, what happened to you?" He asked, concerned. "I don't know, what did happen to me?" You shot back.

"Y/n? What's wr-" before he could finish, you stood up, put the plate in the sink and left without looking at him. Five raised his eyebrows as he saw you ascend the stairs. What happened to her? He thought, following you.

You entered your room, locking the door so Five wasn't able to come in, which was stupid of you to think that since he could teleport. So when you sat on your bed, you jumped at Five teleporting infront of you.

"Alright Y/n, tell me what's wrong? You seem upset. Did I do something?" he asked, sitting down beside you. "Aren't you suppose to be 'busy?' You clearly have important things to do, like you do every. Single. Day." You rolled your eyes once again.

"Is it because of that? Y/n, I'm so sorry for not giving you the time you need and sometimes, I think about it. I want to save the world, I want to save the umbrella Academy, I want to save us. I don't want to lose the people who are so close to me, especially you. I love you so much Y/n, please don't ever think you are unimportant and mean nothing to me or to anyone because you mean so much to the umbrella Academy. Without you, I think we all would've hated eachother's guts."

You looked at him, not angry but slightly doubtful at his words. "Fine. If you do love me, prove it."

"You really want me to prove to you that I love you?" He asked, chuckling at your sentence. "Yeah, I do. A kiss and a hug isnt worth showing you love me."

He smiled, looking at your y/e/c eyes. "Tomorrow, 12 am, I will take you out on a date where we explore the world a bit more. Get ready and.. wear your comfiest clothes you can find. I want you to be comfortable the whole time. No makeup, just you."

"Oh, and.." He placed his palm on your soft cheek softly, rubbing it with his thumb. Leaning in, you both share a long-ish and passionate kiss that you know you would remember for as long as you live. His lips were soft on yours. No tongue action though, just a small and sweet kiss from your boyfriend. After a few seconds, you both pull apart.

"I know a kiss doesn't count but urges happen, am I right? Love you Y/n."

"Love you more Five," you respond, hugging him tightly.

Mixed feelings about this one. I recreated it and it definitely is better than the last one (it was deleted if you didn't read the beginning).
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