< | sleeping | aidan >

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< where you pretend to sleep and drunk aidan tells you how much you mean to him >
(pretend both of you are 21 (I swear Zachherronsbitch) )
i/b: r/askreddit

You were exhausted, totally tired and wanted to sleep when you arrived home. Work for you was horrible and some days you would miss work just to stay home and be with your boyfriend, Aidan. But, sad for you, Aidan was busy most of the time because of his acting career and what not so you just chill in you shared room, texting Aidan whenever he was free.

You stripped out all of your clothing, took a short and warm bath and flopped on your bed. When you took out your phone from your bag, you immediately texted Aidan if he was free.

Sorry b 🥺 I still have work
until 11 and won't be able to
text you till then. I really want
to cuddle you rn but I'm unable
to do so.

I love you so much b and you
should never forget that 😍🥰😘

You smiled, knowing that Aidan loves you dearly. You texted him back and went to YouTube to watch something, but as always, there was nothing interesting to watch. Well, except that four hour long video of milk on the chair.

It was now 1 am and Aidan still hasn't come back home. You started getting worried but heard the door unlock. You started to calm down when you heard Aidan shout, "I'm home babe!"

He sounded drunk. He's never been drunk before so this was new.

You heard Aidan stumble in the room so you pretend to be asleep. "Oh, Y/n. You should know how to put your clothes in the laundry.." You opened your eye just a bit, enough to see Aidan bend down and almost fall just to get your clothes.

He stumbled to the laundry room with your dirty shirt and pants and, guessing, putting it in a basket to clean tomorrow.

Aidan stumbled back and started unbuttoning and removing his blazer. He already gotten his clothes and just threw a shirt on. He then started to remove the rest of his clothing and wore something more comfortable.

He plopped beside you while smiling. He turned to face you in all your sleeping glory. Well, not really sleeping.

He placed his hand on your cheek and caressed softly and gently, not wanting to wake you up. He chuckle was the next thing you heard before completely shutting your eyes.

"You know you're the most beautiful person in the world, well, beside me," he laughed, inching closer to you. "You mean the world to me, Y/n, and I wouldn't want you to leave my side for eternity. Even in heaven, you'll be with me."

You couldn't help blush at him. His words were loving and, especially, honest.

"Please, don't leave me Y/n, I would die if you do. You belong to me and me only, always remember that." He hugged you gently.

"I may be busy with acting but that doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you, in fact, I want to spend more and more time every time I'm away from you. I want to be able to cuddle you when we sleep and hold you in my arms for all eternity. Don't you dare forget me. Don't you dare forget the fact that I love you so much. More than anyone else." You put your head on his chest while you both cuddled,

"I want to start a family with you soon." Now, that made you blush and smile like crazy. Lucky your face was hiding so he wouldn't see.

"But I want to take it slow. Slow and steady. Not in bed though." You couldn't help but feel your face, it was burning.

"I love you so much Y/n and I'm most probably going to forget this moment because I'm drunk and all. But if you're listening, most probably not because you're asleep, I want you to remember." You both slept peacefully that night.

Little did he know, the next day, he remembered everything last night.

Short but cute 😅
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