< | five? | n5 >

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< where five leaves and time travels to the future >

Five and I had an amazing relationship. Not the relationship as in couples and all but a friendly one as in best friends and buddies, and we liked to keep that way.

I was very sure he didn't like me one bit and same goes for me, but thinking back, my predictions might have been wrong all this time I have spent with him. He was cute but I didn't think nothing more than that.

After all of the years we've had together, even the ones where we were just messing around at night time, were memorable to say the least. I loved every single one of them, no matter how short or long they were.

Let's just say, we were inseparable.

A while back, he had been going on and on about wanting to time travel into the future or at least the past. It's been his dream ever since he discovered he was able to do that. The only problem was that he wasn't able to control it at his age. He barely had any practice and wasn't ready to experience something extreme.

He's always complaining to our 'father' about it and it bothers me sometimes. It gets to the point where he would think about it too much and ignore all his surroundings.

Five barely apologizes so there's that. I've spoken to him about it, saying it might not be a good idea because of his inexperience but he refuses all of my points no matter how convincing it was. Don't get me wrong, I loved his determination to finish this one goal but it's a goal to be accomplished when he's older.

The only problem I had with Five was his listening problem. He never, and I mean never, listens to anyone when it comes to Time Traveling and it bugs me a lot.

"Five. Don't get time traveling stuck in your head all day, it's not important right now. You will achieve it later when you know how to control it but as if now, you aren't capable of doing so," I sat beside him with a frown on my face.

He's been in his room all day and I got really worried. "Why do you always persuade me to not time travel? It's been my dream since.. god knows how long!" He threw his hands up in frustration, groaning in anger.

"I'm not doing that! I'm just saying you're not ready! Listen to what your father is saying, Five. Stop ignoring him and actually listen for once-"

"He's not our real father, Y/n! He just raised us and nothing more!" He shouted. I was in shock but didn't show it. I've never experienced him screaming at me before, it's usually just pouts and grunts but never a full-on fight between us.

I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed, standing up and leaving Five alone to think on his own. This is our first ever fight and it's something so stupid! I thought it was going to be a serious topic but I guess not.

I closed the door silently and left to go to my room, laying down while the silence devoured me. I wasn't able to sleep that night. My level of worrid-ness for Five increased to the max, maybe breaking the scale.

Since Five's bedroom was next to mine, I was able to hear him talking to himself sometimes. I stood up, walked to Five's door and put my ear against it to hear more. I know I wasn't supposed to do that but I was eager to know what he was talking about.

"You will show them. You will time travel someday, Five, I know you will. Don't let Y/n and the others let you down, don't listen to whatever they are saying and stay focused on your task."

Five was sure determined. Maybe I should just let him do what he wants to do. I'm not in control of his life so why bother stopping him?
I realized I shouldn't have thought of that.

I quietly walked back to my room and laid in my bed again, unable to sleep.. again.

The next day, at breakfast, was horrible. We both walked out of our room at the same time. It was so awkward that we weren't able to look at each other. The moment we both took the first step of the stairs together, he went back and muttered a quiet "go first," which I gladly did.

I didn't like this though and I could tell Five didn't like this too. So I told myself that I would fix it after we had breakfast. The rest of the Umbrella Academy were already there and chatting amongst themselves. I decided to sit next to Three/Allison and starting a conversation with her while Five sat next to Two/Diego.

A few minutes later, we got our food and we started to eat quietly like how our 'father' wanted every time we eat.

I took glances at Five and noticed he was staring at Reginald the whole time. I wasn't sure if he wanted to say something or he was just bored. He didn't even finish he food.

All of a sudden, Five slammed his knife on the table and asked, "I have a question."

To which Reginald replied, "knowledge is an admirable goal but you know the rules, no talking during meal time. You are interrupting *I don't know what he said here*"

"I want to time travel." I could already tell this was going to go downhill. Forget what I said before about agreeing with five, I changed my mind fully to Reginald's side now. I didn't like where this was going to go.

"No," Reginald said strictly, continuously eating.

"But I'm ready." No you're not.

"I've been practicing my spacial jumps, just like you said," he said, teleporting from his chair to Reginald. I could tell our 'father' was quite disappointed at Five but didn't bother showing it.


"A spacial jump is trivial when compared to the unknowns of time travel. One, is like sliding along the ice, the other is a ¿kinde? to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." That made total sense.

Five looked at us and back at Reginald and responded with a "I don't get it." We all don't, no worries.

Reginald put his cup down and said, "hence, the reason you're not ready."

In the corner of my eye, I could see Seven/Vanya shake her head in disagreement but Five chose to ignore her. "I'm not afraid."

"Fear isn't the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable." He dropped his fork and knife.

"Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore." And he started eating again.

I could tell Five wasn't pleased. Maybe that's the reason why he ran out of the mansion while Reginald was calling for him. This couldn't be possible, not now at least. I stood up and chased Five. I was too afraid at what he might do next. "Number Eight. Number Eight!" Was the last thing I heard before I head outside.

"Five! Don't! Please! For the love of sake, don't do it!" I screamed, running to catch up to him. He refused to listen, as always, and disappeared. Just like that. He just vanished.

I stopped running to looked around to see barely anyone. My only wish was that he might have teleported somewhere. I was sure about him coming back. I realized how stupid I was a few years ago. Did I really think he would come back?

All I could do was stare at nothing, hoping he would pop out of nowhere and say he was just joking.. but he didn't.


Hello Fellow Earthlings, Young homosapiens, Offsprings, whatever you want to be called.
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