< | not the right moment | aidan >

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< where he confesses to you at a very weird moment >

"Why do you hate me, tell me that." I ask, chewing the straw until it was flat. Aidan stared at me intensely as if he was searching for something. That was suppose to be me, not him. "Why do you want to know, know-it-all?" He shot back, continuously tapping on his phone and most probably ignoring me. He doesn't answer me nor even want to talk to me and it's getting irritating. "Do the producers know you're like this?" "Why do you care?" He's getting on my nerves now.

"Aidan! Answer me!" I scream, slamming both my hands on the table and catching attention from other people. Surprised no one has asked him for an autograph yet, this place is crowded and he is pretty famous. I sit back down, face turning pink from embarrassment. I swear I heard him chuckle lightly. That chuckle kills me. "Now you're laughing at me? You're the worst," I lied, of course. He wasn't horrible. Just mean.

Aidan looked up from his phone and started to glare at me, a small smile approaching on his lips. He nodded, clearly wanted to piss me off more. Lucky him, I was. "You imbecile. I hate you so much," my mouth spilled out with lies but for now, let's say it's all true.

Sighs escaped my mouth. "Why did you accept my request when you aren't doing anything in the first place?" I had to admit, I was asking to many question. "Don't know, don't care," he replied quietly to the point where I had to ask him what he said. "DON'T KNOW, DON'T CARE!" "Oookay." Now, people were looking at us again. The look of disturbed, I see.

"No need to shout, idiot," I flinched, almost falling out of my chair. He squinted his eye in response. "What?"

"You have something on your face."

"What is it?"


He laughed. Oh my goodness, that laugh. I said his chuckle kills me but what does his laugh do? Resurrect me? This is madness. And I had to blush, I always blush when he laughs so what's the point in hiding it when he laughs at me everyday? "Are you blushing?" He asks, still laughing at me. "It's not funny." "You're right. It's hilarious!" He snorted.

I wanted to leave. I wasn't blushing because of his laugh anymore, I'm blushing because of embarrassment. I stand up, take my things and leave without looking at him. I don't hear him laugh anymore when I open the door.

Footsteps approach me from behind and an arm swiftly turns me around. Aidan? "What do you want," I mocked him, saying it like a statement than a question. His once smile was gone and it was replaced with a frown. I hate to see him like that.

"Look, Y/n, I'm so sorry." A sorry from him to me? What happened to the Aidan I know? "You're apologising? That's a surprise," I rolled my eyes. "I am! I promise you!" He kept begging and I kept rolling my eyes. It's bad to do that but I couldn't contain myself. "Why are you apologising?" I asked, staring into his bright, green eyes. "Because.. I like you?"

What? "What?" I ask in shock at his words. "I like you Y/n. Like, like like and I truly mean it." He actually likes me. Is that suppose to be bad or good? "You confessed to me at the moment where I was angry at you. Do you think that's going to help me to stop hating you?" I pause. Do I like him back. Who cares. "Ok, maybe I am not mad at you but still! Worst moment, well, not the worst moment, to confess. You're an idiot sometimes." I face palm, sighing once again.

"I had a small crush on you when we first met. Thought you were cute and funny but I had an acting career which was more important.. so I tried removing my feelings by pretending to hate you and everything you do. Turns out, it grew stronger and now I'm mad in love with you that it hurts. Luckily, it hasn't affected my acting and I'm still able to do so. I kept pretending to see what would happen.. sorry 'bout that," He chuckled nervously.

"Ok then. I like you too but this isn't the place I wanted to confess to you. I was going to take you out somewhere special and confess there," I said back, crossing my arms. "So, you like me?" I could see his frown turn into a smile.

"You wish." And with that, I left off running with Aidan chasing me. That day was memorable.

I liked the beginning but the ending sucked :/
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