< | online friend | aidan >

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< where you finally meet your online friend >

I need to calm down but it's so hard to do in a situation like this. I'm going to meet my ibf in just a few days and I don't know how to feel about it. Is he a pedobear and lying straight to me about who he is or is he actually the real him? I guess I'll have to find out on my own. Lucky me, we're meeting somewhere public so I don't have to worry about him trying to kidnap me and me screaming for help.

His name is Aidan, Aidan Gallagher I believe. He's roughly the same age as I, give or take a few but it's alright. Smart, atleast, that's what he says, and a funny guy. All in all, he's a decent guy with good looks, based on his profile and our conversations.

Is it weird to not feel this much nervousness in my life before? I'm sweating like crazy that my room is going to flood.

My bed is soft enough to let me sink in the nervous feeling and let me finally rest and go to sleep, but I hear my phone buzz beside me. "For frick sake Aidan, I'm trying to sleep!" I groan in annoyance and take my phone, opening his message.

"You awake? Can't sleep.
I think I lost it 😟"

"Even I can't sleep.
Been thinking 'bout stuff.."

"Stuff? What stuff?
Now, I'm getting curious."

"Nothing you should know of.
It's not even that important"

"Now I'm even more curious!"

"You idiot. 🤦🏻‍♀️"

"What's so wrong about being curious? :/"

"Anyways, are you ready for our meet-up? I'm getting nervous, honestly. How do I know you're who you're saying about? I'm so sad 😭"

"I promise you Y/n. I am the Aidan you've been
talking to. No one else, promise you.. but you'll find out when we meet so you better be there 👀😏"


"I'm not a pedobear! I swear to you!"

"I need to see it to believe it. I am coming
no matter if you're a pedo or not. It's in public so you have a lesser chance of getting away with kidnapping and murdering me!"

"Kidnapping you sounds like a great idea to me, y'know? 👀👀"

"Whatever. You'll be hearing a bunch of
screams from me if you even try to persuade
me. Know your plan before doing it ❗️"

"So, you basically want me to kidnap you?"

"Sounds.. weird but ok"


"Why you so mean?"


"Love you too, Y/n"

"Goodnight, idiot"

"You too"

I slept peacefully that night. Aidan always makes me happy no matter what he does and that's one of the things I love about his personality. His personality is like.. how do I say this? Sweet but bitter. I don't really know how to say it but I do hop you understand what I said because I don't.

The next day, I woke up refreshed. My parents were visiting my grandparents so I was alone for the weekend. I did my usual routine: wash my face, eat cereal and maybe change clothes.

Tomorrow is the day. It's the day I finally meet him for the first time. Am I nervous? Hella nervous. As I ate my cereal, I got message from Aidan.

"Morning Y/n."

"Good morning A. How was your sleep?"

"Wasn't even able to sleep the whole night."

"I'm sooooooooo tired 😓"

"Sleep! You have all day to sleep so take the chance too, idiot."

"Whatevs. Are you excited for tomorrow? I know I am. I'm just nervous a bit. You say you don't trust my actual identity but what about me? I don't know if you're real or not. You could also be a psychopath and would want to kill me."

"I guess YOU'LL have to find out too. At least I'm not the only one nervous af"

"You're right. Let's just hope that both of us were telling the truth.."


"Anyways, Imma eat na. See ya tomz :)"

"Cya alligator"


I turn my phone off and continue eating my cereal while watching a random show I found on the tv.

(A/N: omg. it's taking too long so let's just get right into the actually meeting 0.o i'm so sorry 😐)

I sat down, too nervous to even talk, and stared out the window of the small Starbucks. It wasn't too crowded. "Gosh, my palms are sweaty.."

"Oh my goodness. You are real." I heard someone say behind me. I turn my head to see Aidan. Aidan Gallagher. It was actually Aidan. "Unbelievable. I thought you would be a 60-year-old man catfishing me. Looks like you weren't lying."

I had to admit, he was cuter in person than in photos. I stood up and hugged him as tight as I could. "Ok.. ok," he murmured, trying to catch his breath. "Please stop hugging me tightly. I can't-" I released the hug while he took very heavy breaths. "Breath-" he breathed out.

"Sorry 'bout that."

We both sat down and started up a conversation. Turns out we are both so alike, not the fact that we didn't know that in the first place, with both having the same interest in music, love horror movies and so much more.

It turned out that he acts. Is it bad I never realized he was Nicky from NRD&D? Yes? Then oops.

"I'm so happy we finally met. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this moment," he said, blushing and making me smile. "I've been waiting ever since we started talking. I know shouldn't be meeting around with people but.. I just wanted to meet you for some odd reason. I guess our conversations were the FIRST reason why."

"I don't know my reasons. Don't ask why."

At the end of the day, we had the tons of fun. We were able to go shopping for anything we wanted as well as eat 5 packets of French fries and tons of McDonalds. Let's just say we were full. Like, so full we weren't able to walk for a whole 30 minutes.

"That. Was. Amazing." I managed to say, rubbing my stomach to ease the pain (though, it didn't do anything). I stood up but instantly fell onto my chair. "Looks like we'll be here for a while.." he chuckled with his head down. It was awkward after that. Having us both try our best to stand up but immediately fail and the sound of our stomachs crying because of how much food we consumed.

"Y/n," Aidan said, looking up to meet my eyes. "Yeah?" I answered, giving up on trying to stand. "Wanna go out again? I. Had. Tons of fun!" He asked, blushing again.

And what did you say?

"Ofcourse idiot."


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