❝☂︎❞ 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖊𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 | 𝖓5 ❝☂︎❞

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❝☂︎❞ not enough | n5 ❝☂︎❞

✎.. May 30th
✑.. May 31th
↳.. 1494

You dropped his books, making him turn around in anger. "What the hell Y/n? Why can't you do anything right?" He screamed at you, making you step back in fear. "I'm so sorry, Aidan," you apologize; getting the books you had dropped.

He looked at you in disappointment, sighing and continued walking while you were struggling. You wanted him to stop but you would have been breaking the third rule, don't use commands on him. Only he was able to do so for you.

There were six rules you had to follow:
1. Must follow and listen to him
2. Must not make mistakes
3. Do not shout or use commands on him
4. Must not do imbecilic things such as getting drunk or harming your body in any way
5. Must not show disrespect towards him
6. Must not leave him or run away no matter how much you want to

It was clear that you had abused the hell out of rule two. "Five, may you please wait! At least help out.." you murmured the last part to yourself. He turned to face you and furrowed his eyebrows and had a 'What the hell did you just say?' face on which terrifies you more.

"You have completely broken rules two and three more than I could count and you know how that makes me feel? Disappointed." He groaned. "What kind of a servant are you? Pick them up yourself and I better not here a single word come out of your mouth the whole day, you got that?"

You nodded and quickly stood up with his books in his hand, following him to his room.

"Place the books down; I'll be studying. You may leave my room now." He waved his hand at you like he was shooing you off. You left without saying a word and went straight to your room where you slept in silence.

Five barged into your room to ask something but saw you sleeping. Weirdly, the sound that the door and the wall made didn't wake you up. He contemplated whether to wake you up or not but decided to leave you be and quietly exit the room.

He admitted that he had become harsher towards you and it always put a frown on his face whenever he looked back on his actions.

As you woke up, you washed your face and went downstairs to eat dinner. Sad thing was, the other members had left for their reason and it was only you, Five and Grace left in the house.

Grace saw your frown and decided to make you happy-faced cookies to cheer you up, which obviously did work as her cookies were always the best.

Five stared at you on the stairs, admiring your smile and your y/h/c messy hair. He loved seeing you smile but hated the fact that he was never the reason.

He walked towards the dinner table and asked what was for dinner.

Grace face lightened, "What Y/n is having Of course. Since it was only the two of you, I decided that I would give you two a small treat for not leaving me."

Five and Y/n looked at each other, one eyebrow raised. "Oh, alright then. Thanks for the cookies, Grace. Love you so much," you said, finishing up your last cookie and heading upstairs to your room.

"Want anything dear?" Grace asked, washing Y/n's plate. "Three cookies, please." Five answered.


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