oh my gosh, hi

3.5K 34 3

it's been 7 months

7 whole months from this book and i still can't believe it's still getting recognition, and i am thankful for that don't get me wrong.

thank you all for reading my imagines though they were not the best but still.

i decided to make a new account to start over and stuff.

it's uh, chlouii

if you like mha, i posted a drabble and imagine book there. i mean- if you want to check it out you can (self promo lmao)

i'm sure i won't just post mha stuff there but i don't know.

anyways, enough self promo.

i'm happy you enjoyed this book and getting it to 50k reads, which is insane.

i hope you're not mad at me for abandoning this book, i kinda fell out of aidan.

still love tua and would love to watch the next season, if they release one.

i luv ya'll,

au revoir

10 minute later edit:
i'm having literally shiVERS from coming back from this book. the comments are entertaining

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