❝☂︎❞ 𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖉𝖆𝖞 | 𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖆𝖓 2 ❝☂︎❞

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❝☂︎❞ birthday | aidan 2❝☂︎❞

♫.. pity party - Melanie Martinez
✎.. 29 August
✑.. 30 August
↳.. 1273

After your last interaction with Aidan, you hadn't spoken to him afterwards, though you would be happy to. Yesterday was better then you had expected with all the laughs and jokes that was filling the room.

You didn't want to wake up today but you couldn't miss your Spanish test. No retakes, she said. You got up and yawned as you went to the bathroom to freshen up. Once you were able to open your eyes properly, you took your breakfast, cereal as always, got your bag and headed off to school.

You completely forgot that barely anyone went to your party because it was all filled with moments you had with Aidan. All the moments he used to tease you, where you teased him back and especially yesterday.

When you reached school, pairs of eyes landed on you as they smirked and giggled. You were confused, were you wearing something weird? Did you look weird?

It was until the popular group approached you with smirks and grins upon their faces. You remembered you crying yesterday because no one showed up. Your eyes widened as Vanessa, co-leader of the group you always assume, pulls out an invitation, your invitation for the party.

It was as this moment you wanted to disappear. They knew no one showed up and they told everyone. No wonder why they were laughing. "We were just here to ask you, did anyone show up at your little party?" Vanessa asked, shoving the invitation at you. "It seems fun. Sadly, we were at another party which was coincidentally held at the same date as yours," Stacy smirked.

You were frozen like a statue. You were looking at the invitation instead of them to avoid eye contact.

"Yeah, that's right. Jacob (famous boy in the school) heard about your little party and decided to have a party on his own. Guess where all your invites went.." She continues as she lifted your head up to face her and her three slaves.

"Your party was surely boring with no one to have fun with but we all know you're used to it." She let go of her hand and laughed, which the others followed.

The bell rang and they went their way while you were stuck to your place. Speechless. Spanish wasn't in another three periods so you were able to miss at least one subject. You went to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror, beginning to doubt everything your were wearing today.

Your mind was filled with self-hate but you knew better than to let those idiots hurt you. If you could survive your biggest fear, you could survive this.

But this didn't mean it hadn't affected you. You were in a bad mood the whole day due to everyone making fun of you. You didn't get why people were making fun of you, it wasn't that funny anyways.

The whole day, you had wanted to talk to Aidan but it seemed as if he was busy talking with others, especially the popular girls. You didn't want to interrupt Incase they would try to hurt you.

The school ended slower than usual. You exited the school with small bruises from people shoving you. Ever since yesterday, no one has stopped bothering you, aside from Aidan and a couple of people. There was a bench near the school where you would arm wrestle with Aidan just for laughs and giggles. Looking back, he didn't seem too bad before yesterday.

You placed your bag on the bench and stayed there for a while thinking about today. It wasn't the best day to be alive, but it surely wasn't the worst.

You felt sleepy so you placed your head on the table and drifted off to sleep.

You woke up and realized it was turning dark. Looked around 7 pm. You rubbed your eyes to see clearly and looked towards the school to find no one coming in or out. "Seems as if you woke up. Had a nice nap?" You jumped to the sound of, who it seemed to be, Aidan beside you.

"Aidan! You scared me! And.. why are you here?" You questioned as you recovered from your small heart attack. He looked away from his phone, gave a small shrug and looked back. You were confused at why he was beside you. "Well, you should head back home. I'm going to and if you don't want to, goodbye," you said as you put on your backpack and stood up.

His hand reached to yours and you looked at him. He gave you a small frown as he sighed.

"The reason I was here was because I couldn't help but notice you frowning, a lot. I was worried, okay? So when I went out to find you and you were sleeping, I decided not to wake you up because you deserved the nap."

You sat back down with a surprised expression. You didn't realize he was looking at you.

"Uhm.." he continued. "I didn't want to disturb you because it looked as if you were in a bad mood and I didn't want to make it worse. So I waited till the end of the day to talk to you about it."

You were touched by his words. It made you smile to know that he cared about you. "You didn't have to wait for me. You have my number, right?" You smirked.

"Well, it's better to talk about it in person than in chat. Trust me, I know," he chuckled. "But you don't have to talk about it if you don't want want to." He reassured, not wanting to force the words out of you.

"The popular group had told everyone that no one came to my party. The rest of the day was teasing from everyone. I find it stupid and didn't want to tell anyone because.. it's stupid." You said.

"You're stupid." Aidan said with a straight face.

"If you wanted to comfort me, you're doing an absolute great job," you sarcastically remarked.

He grinned. "Not telling anyone is stupid. I could've talked to you. I wouldn't mind."

"Yeah, you see. You were talking to others and I didn't want to disturb you. Cause I have manners."

"Alright, Alright."

"You're not doing a great job cheering me up."

"Ok. Y/n, their words mean nothing and they have nothing better to do than to tease you. Unlike you, you actually focus on the positive side of things and that's one thing I like about you. No matter how much they try, you let them see that you don't care about the words they're spitting out. You're braver than you look, y/n. It's a good thing."

You blushed at his 'speech' but could help but notice one detail. If you focusing on the positive things was one of the things he liked about you, then what were the others?

"So.. not being narcissistic or anything.. but what else do you like about me?"

"Oh.. uhm.. I mentioned two things. So uh.." he started listing of the things he liked about you and you didn't realize that he had a long list. You listened to every single one of them and each one made you redder than the last.

"So basically.. I like you."

uh. final imagine
(Got pretty lazy at the end)
My knees and palm hurts so much
And thank you all so much for :
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1k votes
Love you all and this is poppycck signing out.

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