< | i'm so sorry | aidan >

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< where aidan and you are brothers and sisters >
i/b: a story
d/t: Zachherronsbitch :)

She distanced herself from him further as he continued to talk. He didn't notice it until he opened his eyes to see Y/n moving away. His smile turned to a frown.

He stopped talking as she looked away. But did he care? Yes. Yes he did. "Why do you always distance yourself from me?" He asked, scooching over closer to her.

She didn't respond and stood up, walking away from him. She has always been like this to him but never stated the reason why. "Y/n.." he mumbled but it was too late, she had already left.

Nothing was the same as both their parents died in an accident. He tried to get their relationship back together but nothing seemed to work. Y/n grew more distant and aggressive to him, thinking he was being too protective. Yes, he had been protective but it was because he didn't want to lose her as well.

He sighed, standing up and going downstairs to get something to eat. Y/n was no where to be found. I guess she left again he thought, opening the fridge and grabbing an apple. More apples for me..

Aidan sat down on the kitchen chair and pondered about anything he could think of. Flying pigs to horses being able to eat humans. But one question has always stuck on his mind.

When am I going to tell her?

It's been a few hours since Y/n left. It was around midnight and she still wasn't here. Then, the door bell rang that got Aidan's attention. He thought it was his sister coming back.

He jumped off the bed and sped-walked downstairs to open the door. But when he did, Y/n stumbled and tripped which caused both of them to fall, well, almost. Aidan was able to catch her before their asses touched the carpet. "Alright, drunk again, I see that."

He carried her to the couch and locked the door. His hands were now on his hips, wondering what to do again.

"What do I do with you? Let you sleep on the couch again? Ok, I will," he yawned, going upstairs to sleep.

The next day was nothing new to him. The usual routine of Y/n having to be laying in bed the whole day because of her hangover as well as trying her best to avoid Aidan. Him going outside to do whatever he wanted to do.

He ended up going to the mall with TJ, Eden and Blake. Cameron, Dante and Ethan were busy doing God knows what.

The trip consisted of Eden teasing Dante, TJ and Eden screaming at every store they saw and Aidan laughing hysterically at Dante blushing. They didn't buy anything though, just ate food (Texas and McDonalds were what they ordered).

They knew about his situation and did their best to entertain him. "I know you.. ehm.. whatever. If you want someone to talk to, you can always count on us. We will do anything to make your days brighter! Make em' the most memorable days you have ever experienced!" Dante said, putting an arm around Aidan's shoulder as TJ and Eden smiled at him.

Aidan smiled back, nodding happily as they continued their exploration.

At the end of the day, he said their goodbyes and parted ways. His hands were in his pockets and hummed a tune as he walked home to his apartment.

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