Pro Soccer Blackmailing

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(M/n) was currently in the far corner of his room as he watched the barricade in front of his bedroom door collapse.

He paled when a chair and lamp broke while the door came ever closer to falling apart.


(M/n) gulped loudly, "I-I'll start bringing him over soon! I promise!"



The (s/c) male comically shook his head and prayed to whatever deity or higher power that he makes it out alive and ends up with broken bones if he's lucky.

The barricade comes down and in comes an angry (S/n). Her face was entirely red and smoke blew out of her ears. As she slowly stomped over to her cowering brother, he looks out his bedroom window and ungracefully jumps out of it, not bothering to open it at all.

Blinking her (e/c) eyes, the older female stood dumbfounded before walking away with a blank look on her face.



(M/n) wheezed and greedily swallowed all the oxygen he could. He collapsed on his bottom and wiped the sweat off his forehead before heading inside the building.

He was greeted by the usual. The detective was on his television and Ran was doing her chores. The (s/c) boy happily let himself in, knowing that he was welcome any time.

"Oh, (M/n). I haven't seen you in a while."

(M/n) tilted his head, "Sorry, Ran. I've been busy lately."

"Conan~kun missed you. I would've brought him over, but I didn't want to be an inconvenience."

The (h/c) haired boy tensed and averted his (e/c) eyes everywhere so he wouldn't have to make eye contact with his female friend.

"Is that so...?"

He abruptly stood up, "I hate to cut this short, but I should get go-"

The male flinched when the little boy walked in with a girl who couldn't be too much younger than him.

Conan and (M/n) briefly made eye contact before the older averted his eyes somewhere else. The girl took her seat and looked down at her knees as Ran put down a cup of tea she made.

"My name is Akagi Ryoko. I have somebody I want you to find. He suddenly disappeared and I don't know what to do."

She looked through her bag and took out a photo, "This is his picture. We were dating."


"You were dating Shinichi!? I didn't know that he..." Ran trailed off with a pale face.

"But... But he's..." (M/n) repeatedly glanced at the little boy and client with utter incredulity.

"We've even kissed if you don't believe me!"

"K-K-Kissed!?" Ran's face turned a dark shade of red as she strained her voice.

"I bet he claimed he was investigating a case, but he was with a girl," Kogoro grinned at the hilarity of it all.

The nerve!

(M/n) knows for sure that Shinichi loves Ran too much to date anyone else! How dare this girl lie to their face like that!

And as much of a moron the young detective was, he isn't the kind of person to lie like that. Unless he was cornered, he'd always tell the truth!

Case Closed: One Truth PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now