Roller Coaster Murder Case

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"(M/n)! Wake up! You'll be late!"

(M/n) groaned at the sound of his older sister's voice. He rolled off his bed and slowly got up, taking his sweet time getting ready.

I hate mornings.

After getting dressed, he went downstairs to see his sister putting plates on the table. He rolled his eyes when he saw the black and white bear head. His red eye creeped him out, but he didn't mind.

Of course she's wearing that.

The boy smiled anyway, knowing how much of an otaku she can be.

"Why do you insist on staying up so late reading those boring mystery novels?" his sister, (S/n) sighed. She sat down and drank her coffee.

"Cause they're fun to read, unlike those picture books."

She gasped dramatically, "They're called manga!"

He rolled his eyes as she drank her cup of coffee.

(M/n) gagged, "You're still drinking that?"

"It keeps me up in the morning."

"Whatever. Oh, guess what? I just bought this new book, and--"

The (h/c) haired woman put a hand up, "As much as I would love to talk about all that nerdy mystery stuff or whatever, you have to get to school."

The younger male huffed, "You just don't want to listen to my amazing deductions."

"If you love solving mysteries so much, why don't you become a detective like your friend?"


"But your deductive reasoning is just as great as his. I think you'd be a great one. You could also be a famous high school detective if you wanted."

(M/n) waved the suggestion off, "Unlike him, I don't want unnecessary attention. It would distract me from my work."

He checked his watch before finishing the remainder of his breakfast. He gulped down all of his orange juice before taking all his stuff.

"Aren't you forgetting something, young man?" (S/n) raised her eyebrow.

The young mystery solver rolled his eyes playfully before leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. He then bid her farewell and headed off.

And in only a few minutes, he ran into one of his best friends.

"Hey Ran," he greeted casually.

The brunette smiled, "Hey (M/n)."

"You know, I can imagine seeing that dork with that stupid smile on his face," he smirked.

Ran sighed, "I can too, unfortunately."

They chuckled before seeing their friend walk by with an odd smile. They sweatdropped before walking to him.

Ran hit him with her rolled up uniform. The other male snorted.

"What are you doing? Looking like an idiot by laughing for no reason?"

"Are you angry about something, Ran?"

She turned away, "No, it's just that thanks to you, my dad's business has gone down a lot. I'm a little uncomfortable."

"Oh yeah, your old man works a detective agency."

Shinichi scratched his head, "Don't blame me for your dad's lack of work. It's only because he doesn't have enough skill..."

Ran laughed, the high school detective nervously laughing along with her.

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