The Love Letter

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A/n: Just a heads up, this isn't another cheesy shipping side chapter. This is a flashback, but it's not part of the story. Just a little more background about the reader's friendship with Shinichi and Ran.

P.S. Make sure to pay extra attention, detectives! That's right, you're detectives. No complaining and get a move on!

Hope you enjoy~!


This was back in elementary school. The best friends' childhood days weren't any different from their current days as teenagers. But the only difference was teachers trying to stop them from trying to get into trouble daily.

This was the time (L/n) (M/n) got his first love letter. It wasn't Valentine's Day or April Fool's, so his best friends assumed someone actually harbored feelings for him. The entire sixth grade caught wind of this and crowded around him to ask questions.

Especially the girls.

He replied to all of them he had no clue as to who wrote the letter. He was asked to read the letter out loud, but he politely declined in respect of the sender's privacy. The (s/c) male put the envelope inside his backpack and walked to class with his best friends.

But the questions didn't stop.

Later during lunch, they realized the envelope is missing. Both Shinichi and Ran panicked, but for completely different reasons.

Ran was afraid an awful misunderstanding would take place, and Shinichi claimed that his friend's only chance at getting a girlfriend was gone until he finds it. The (e/c) eyed boy chuckled, stuffed his hand in Shinichi's jacket pocket and took out a piece of paper. They blinked their eyes more than once, not believing what was in his hand.

"I knew something like this would happen, so I took out the letter while everyone was distracted and put them in the only place nobody would ever think to look."

"Why me of all people?" the blue-eyed boy asked in disbelief, still shocked that he wasn't able to catch the boy sneaking something in his pocket. He was surprised and a little angry that he hid something without knowing, but he refused to say he was impressed.

"Cause I trust you."

Shinichi stumbled back and barely caught his balance. That smile, though it wasn't vulnerable, was abrupt and honest.

So trusting.

(M/n) never smiled at him like that before. He never directed that smile to anybody, not even Ran, who always spared him whenever he made her angry. Well, that rarely happened so Shinichi's the only one who has to watch his back.

It made him glad for being his friend. He got to spend every second with the (h/c) haired boy, waiting for an adorable smile that would later mature into a handsome one. He was always disappointed when he didn't see it, but that didn't stop him from getting excited.

(L/n) (M/n) truly was an enigma.

Ran hummed, "Hey (M/n), what'd she write in the letter?"

(M/n) unfolded the paper and skimmed through it with quick eyes. After a few moments, he flushed and slowly folded it back into thirds. He carefully slipped it into his pocket and cleared his throat.

"I-It's really cheesy. But I can tell this person spent a lot of time on this."

"How're you gonna answer?" Ran leaned curiously with hands behind her back.

"I'm... not sure," the (s/c) boy sighed as he skimmed the letter one more time.

"But, I'm sure they'd understand. I'll... talk to them when I'm ready." The brunette smiled approvingly.

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