Idol's Sealed Room Murder Case

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This chapter may or may not be in both the reader's and Conan's perspectives. Just letting you know ahead of time because I don't want anybody to be confused. There will be POV switches, but that's up to you guys to figure out whose perspective is whose.

This is a mystery genre fanfic. So, you guys might have to use your brains a teensy bit. Enjoy~!

(M/n) had made a compromise with his friend for Conan's custody. It had taken them a while to actually come to an agreement, all thanks to (S/n). She refused to let someone look after the boy, especially Kogoro.

After many hours of debating (it was everyone against the woman at this point ), they agreed that one family will take custody of the boy for a week, then another will look after him the following week. (M/n) was sure the blue-eyed boy would hate the idea of having to move between homes after the end of every week, but he and Ran made sure to make it bearable for him.

(S/n) and Kogoro can be very overbearing (from experience).

This week, it was Ran's turn to babysit Conan. Though (M/n) wanted to keep him just a bit longer, a deal was a deal. And he never backed out of deals.

But he started to consider going back on it when the boy gave him "the look". It was how Conan was able to get away with a lot of things (because his older sister couldn't "resist his cuteness"). The high schooler wouldn't even blink and just move on with his day. But now he knows what the older woman was talking about.

He could barely resist this boy's cuteness.

"Look, kid, we made a compromise. We have to stick to it. Ran'll give me hell if I don't get you to her place before morning."

"But I don't want to leave, (M/n)-niichan!" Conan pouted (adorable, might the older boy add).

"I know you don't want to live with Ran's old man for a week, but she'll be there to make the week manageable."

The six-year-old crossed his arms with a huff, leaving the older boy conflicted. A deal was a deal, and he had to stick by it. No questions asked.

Now if only this boy would stop being so goddamn cute! Seriously! It's almost as if he knew how much of an effect he had on him and his sister!

The (h/c) haired male sighed, "I'll visit you as much as I can. That's all I can offer."

One thing his friends didn't know about (M/n), he was a sucker for cute and adorable things or people. He was too proud to be ashamed of that particular fact about him.

Shinichi was obviously a big nope for him. That cocky detective would never let him live it down. He could just see that teasing grin, begging to let out a howl.

"You like stuffed animals!" is what he would say if he found out. And he'd be damned if that nerd ever finds out!

Other than that, he wouldn't have minded the teasing from Ran. Actually, he could see him and the female going on endlessly about the most adorable animals.

(M/n) silently begged the child to stop teasing him, knowing that the child himself was unaware that he was teasing, to begin with.

"You'll visit me every day, right? You'll answer all my calls, won't you?" Conan's eyes were wide with expectancy.

Sometimes the older boy wished the child would go back to being strangely mature and grown up for his age.

His demeanor heavily reminded him of his detective friend when he stumbles upon a mystery, trying to solve it once it plops itself in front of him.

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