A June Bride Murder Case Final

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A/n: I am so so so so SO so sorry! I did not mean to keep y'all waiting this long! Things have just been hectic and I lost so much motivation, but I finally got that motivation back and finished A June Bride Murder Case!

I'll try to update my other books, but I can't make promises. I'm working on the first chapter of my original DR fic, Danganronpa: Hope of the Damned. If you're interested in checking that out, it'll be in the Shit List.

Thank you all for your patience and have a wonderful day/night!


Previously on Case Closed: One Truth Prevails

"Drop the act. I know who you are."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, (M/n)-niichan..." the brown-haired boy shrunk under the other's glare.

"Ran may believe that you're just Edogawa Conan, but you can't hide that you're Kudo Shinichi. Not from me."


Conan felt a drop of sweat going down his cheek. A shiver went down his spine when (M/n)'s gaze grew increasingly sharper. In all his time as a detective, he was never frightened. (M/n) always seemed to do just that.

He really didn't know what to do with it.

Now, Conan was in that same situation. He was frightened of (M/n), his identity had been figured out. What was he supposed to do? He can't save himself like he did when Ran got too close to the truth.

"I suggest you admit it. We both do not want an angry Ran."

"I... I-"

"(L/n)-kun, you don't mind if we ask you a couple questions, do you?"

(M/n) turned away from the boy and to Inspector Megure, "I don't mind, sir. I'll answer any question as best I can."

'As best I can?' That's an odd thing for (M/n) to say...

Megure got out his pen and notebook so he could get ready to write in it, "What were you and the victim discussing before she collapsed?"

"We were just talking about her groom. How she met him and all."

"Did she anything odd that made you think something was going to happen?"

"No, sir. She didn't say anything odd."

"Did you see the culprit put something in her lemon tea?"

"No, I didn't. But..." the (h/c) haired boy clenched his fists, "I couldn't... I couldn't stop her... I-"

The inspector shook his head in sympathy, "There's no way you could've known something like this would happen... I'll question you again if we want to confirm something."

(M/n) nodded, "Yeah, alright."

Conan looked down at the ground and listen to the conversation. He processed every bit of it and tried to sort out his thoughts. (M/n) was definitely innocent, he'd never commit such a crime. But something told him that the (e/c) eyed boy was lying. But... what was he lying about?

What did he mean by he 'could've stopped her'? Shouldn't he have said 'I could've saved her' instead? Why is he blaming himself? What were he and Matsumoto-sensei talking about in this room?

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