A Smooth Sail to Murder Pt. 1

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"Wow, what a beautiful view!"


"(M/n)-niichan, are you sea sick?"

Right on cue, (M/n) leaned over the railing and puked the contents from his stomach. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and his stomach twisted in ways he didn't understand. The bitter, burning taste in his mouth made him gag and forced his stomach to vomit once again.

Ran sighed, "If you were sea sick, why'd you come with us?"

The (h/c) haired boy wheezed and exhaled, "How was I supposed to know...? I've never been on a cruise before..."

(S/n) giggled and leaned towards him, "Well, sucks to be you!"

"Shut up, you-" the male's face turned green before he coughed and gagged.

"Serves you right!"

(M/n) took shallow breaths, "Why are you here...? Don't you have anything better to do?"

The (h/c) haired woman scoffed, "There's no way I was going to miss a free cruise. Do you know how expensive those are?"

"Heh, stingy as ever. Ow!" he rubbed his arm and sent a glare to his giggling sister.

Meanwhile, Ran and Conan were talking to a couple that just got married recently. The recently married bride told them about the history of Hatamoto and their family marriage tradition before being interrupted by shouting.

"Why are there other people on the boat!?"

"S-Sumimasen, Otou-sama! They seemed to be in trouble, so I just..."

"Doing things without permission!" Ran and Conan flinched back while (M/n) was too busy over the railing to react.

"You sure have become a great man, being able to make these decisions without my approval!"

"That wasn't my intention!"

(S/n) frowned and started walking towards the old man and middle-aged man. She stopped right in front of them and waited until they were finished. They looked right at her and placed her hands on her ships. Ran and Conan along with Natsue and Takeshi started to panic. They turned to (M/n) in hopes that he'd stop her but drops of sweat appeared on their heads when he puked again.

"I think you should treat your family better, don't you think? You don't have to be so mean to them."

"Who are you to tell me how to treat my family!?"

The (s/c) woman put her hands up, "I'm just giving you a suggestion, sir. I just think it's better that you treat them with respect like how they treat you with respect."

The elderly man scoffed, "I don't need some woman telling me what to do. Hey, Takeshi-kun!"

Takeshi, the newlywed stood straight, "H-Hai."

"I need to talk with you. Come to my room later," he walked off after getting a confirmation from Takeshi.

After a few more minutes, (M/n) walked next to Ran and Conan while wiping his mouth. He blinked and looked at everybody that gathered outside before looking at his best friend.

"What'd I miss?"

Natsue was explaining the family tree to Conan, Ran, Kogoro, (S/n), and (M/n). She briefly mentioned her parents who had been in an accident a year ago before the girl mentioned that Takeshi was late.

Akie walked by and smirked, "They're probably talking about something shady anyway."

Natsue turned to face her, "O-Onee-sama!"

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