A Smooth Sail to Murder Final

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(M/n) and (S/n) were in the dining hall by themselves. They were sitting at their table and doing their own thing. The boy was looking out the window which was pitch black outside while his sister was sketching in her sketchpad. Neither had any words to say to each other considering the events that had happened.

Ran, Conan, and Kogoro weren't around to lighten up the atmosphere. The two siblings made small talk here and there, but not much happened after that. There was still that lingering tension when the Hatamoto family found out that Gozou left the inheritance for Natsue and the person of her choosing. They had completely different approaches about this family, but they did agree with one thing.

Greed certainly liked to show its ugly face in this family.

The (s/c) haired woman finished sketching then put her pencil down, "Things like this always happen around you?"

"Only when the dork's around. He's like a death magnet."

She snorted, "Death magnet, huh? That actually gives me an idea." The woman turned to a new page and began sketching again, but putting more focus on small details.

"But things haven't changed at all. Even without the dork around, we're still surrounded by death."

"Maybe he rubbed off on you."

The boy scrunched up his nose, "No way. I think he rubbed off on Ran's dad."

"Oh please. He couldn't find my pencil even if I told him."

(M/n) put a hand to his mouth and laughed into it, "That's one difference between the dork and the old man. One is competent while the other is just plain useless."

"But he did make it onto the newspapers. I heard he's solved a few cases as well. How would you explain that?"

"I don't have the answer to everything, you know."

"It'd be a whole lot easier if you did."

"But that'd ruin the mystery if I knew everything."

(S/n) sighed in exasperation, "You're a confusing one. You like mysteries, but you don't want to become a detective. You're so needlessly complicated!"

"Don't talk! You always talk about wanting an 'edgy character but not an edgy character'!"

The (L/n) siblings playfully argued for what felt like hours to them, but realistically only a few minutes. But they were interrupted by an ear-piercing cry that carried across the sea (hehe sea). They got out of their seats and ran outside, and all the passengers quickly joined them.

What they found was another body. It was the husband of Natsue's older sister, Hatamoto Tatsuo.

Kogoro already set up the crime scene and investigated the corpse. (M/n) sighed to himself, rubbing his forehead. He hated that he thought this, but this family deserved everything that headed their way. There was no other way for him to say it.

"The cause of death is likely a brain contusion which results from being struck in the head." Kogoro tilted the victim's head, "Looking from the wound, it looks like the weapon was something like a lead pipe."

"Wh-Who could've done such a horrible thing?"

"C-Could Takeshi have..."

The detective stood and wiped his hands clean, "That's absurd. The storeroom was locked."

Conan suddenly took off, and the detective quickly followed after. With his curiosity getting the better of him, (M/n) chased after them as well. He had an idea where they were going, and he knew that it couldn't be good.

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