Next Stop: Murder!

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A/n: Two chapters in a row? Whoa!! Honestly, I forgot how it felt to write non-stop and just keep posting. I don't do it that much anymore. I forgot how great motivation is and I'm just happy to finally get that back.

It's probably gonna disappear again, but that's alright. I'll just keep writing before I lose that again.

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night and enjoy!


"You're going to be late, (M/n)! Get your butt out of bed already!"

"Ngh... Leave me alone..."

"Jeez, you're so unbearable. I guess I have no choice."

Before (M/n) knew what was happening, (S/n) dragged him out of bed and into his closet. She walked in after him then the closet doors shook before opening. The boy walked out in a casual attire which consisted of a white dress shirt with the first two buttons undone and black skinny jeans with chelsea boots.

"If case you forgot, you're supposed to be meeting Ashia Eiko in ten minutes."

"Ashia Eiko..." (M/n) stared at his sister for a split second before finally remembering, "Oh! Wait, ten minutes!? Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" The boy scrambled out of his room, forgetting to fix his hair as he was about to leave.

The older went after him and scoffed, "You were supposed to be up hours ago. You really should stop staying up so late and sleeping in so much!"

"Yeah yeah. Love ya, Sis!" he yelled dismissively before exiting the house and running to the nearest bus stop.

(S/n) sighed and crossed her arms, "That boy..."


After arriving at his destination, (M/n) marvelled at the large building in front of him. A second later, his forehead turned blue as he lifted his gaze to examine the entire building. It was absolutely huge and he could easily get lost in it. He should've brought his sister with him just for good measure.

"Alright, now to meet Ashia Eiko... Wherever she is."

After releasing an anguished sigh, he walked inside the intimidating building and looked around the lobby, seeing a few security people and some familiar faces. He felt instant relief when he laid his eyes on them.

"Ran, Ojisan!" the boy's lips curled downwards slightly when he saw Conan with them as well. Of course he was. He was supposed to take care the child since this was his week. He felt horrible for making Ran take the weeks for him, so he planned on making it up to her somehow.

Ran turned her head to the voice and waved, "(M/n)!"

The high schooler made his way over and realized that there was someone else with them. A middle-aged woman and a younger woman. He assumed that one of them was the person he was supposed to meet.

The girl smiled, "What brings you here, (M/n)? And what's the occasion? You're all dressed up."

(M/n) chuckled, "I'm supposed to meet Ashia Eiko. Something about modeling her first men's design?"

The older woman smiled, "Oh, you must be (M/n)-san. You made it just in time."

The boy rubbed his neck, "My sister had to wake me up. I like to sleep in a little too much."

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