A June Bride Murder Case Pt. 1

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Everyone was gathered at the chapel, all in their own group of friends or acquaintances. Ran, Sonoko (a friend of Ran's), (M/n), and Conan were in their own little circle.

"It's been a while since we've seen Matsumoto-sensei," (M/n) snickered at the memories while Conan glared right at him.

"We might be able to hear her beautiful singing again at the reception!" Sonoko added. She gave the (s/c) male a look and crossed her arms.

"I see you still don't have a girlfriend yet, (M/n)~kun."

(M/n) sweated, "I-I don't have time to think about committing to a serious relationship right now. And I still haven't found someone yet."

She winked flirtatiously, "Well if you change your mind, I'm still available."

He chuckled, "I appreciate it, Suzuki-chan."

"How many times do I have to tell you? Sonoko is fine!"

The girls laughed as the poor boy covered his flushed face with his (h/c) hair while still maintaining a smile. The child narrowed his eyes at the display.

And he calls me a showoff.

Sonoko looked up then back at her friend, "Oh yeah. Where's that guy? Remember? He was never in tune during music class and Matsumoto-sensei was always at him."

Ran chuckled, "Oh if you're talking about Shinichi, he said on the phone that there's no way he'd come."

"So instead of that toneless guy, you brought that little kid?" (M/n) snickered at the child's face with he glowered right back at the older boy.

"He said that he really wanted to come."

The three teens and boy walked into the building, asking where they could find their former instructor.

They all open the doors to see a white dress with a familiar face, faces red at the magnificent sight.

"Mouri-san! Suzuki-san! Oh, and (L/n)~kun too! What a pleasant surprise!"

W-Whoa... she looks amazing...

The bride blinked, "Say, where's Kudo~kun?"

Sonoko scoffed, "Said he couldn't make it."

She snapped her fingers, "That's too bad. I wanted to show off this dress to that cheeky little punk."

(M/n) held back his laughs, "I'm sure he'd be really proud."

Matsumoto jogged to Conan, "Little boy, have we met before?"


Ran takes out a recorder, "Alright, both of you look this way! We're gonna be in charge of the filming today."

"Please make sure to make a great kiss scene!"

"You can count on it!"

Another woman opens the door, "Sayuri, I bought some warm lemon tea for you."

The bride happily took the bag, "Arigatoo!"

That's right. Matsumoto-sensei always drank lemon tea.

"Don't drink it like that or your lipstick will smear off," the instructor's friend took out a straw and put it in the can.

"Kazumi, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about Toshihiko-san."

Kazumi slapped her friend's bottom, "What are you talking about at a time like this? Just you wait! At the reception, I'm gonna tell everyone that the groom was my ex-boyfriend!"


"I'm just joking! Well, I'll see you later," the playful woman exited the room with a smile.

"That Kazumi..."

"Who was that just now?" Sonoko asked curiously.

"One of my 'bad' friends from college. Oh, I have one more. Does anyone want it?"

Sonoko took the bag, "Arigatoo gozaimasu!"

A large, intimidating man opens the door and enters, making the girls go in a defensive stance. The (e/c) eyed male went stiff, but he didn't find it necessary to work himself up.

A familiar face and some others walked into the room.

(M/n) blinked, "Keibu? What are you doing here?"

"What kind of person would I be if I didn't attend my bosses' daughter's wedding?"

"Boss?" Ran repeated incredulously.

"That's right. That man is the police chief and my father."


"You guys can leave," the man ordered. The inspector and his men left the room.

"Sayuri, are you sure you want to marry that guy? I can introduce you to a young guy in my division who has got a lot more backbone than him."

"What are you telling me at a time like this? Sheesh! When will you stop treating me like a child?"

"You'll always be a child to me. How long do you plan to keep drinking things like this?"

Matsumoto snatched the tea, "What's the problem? I like it. But why don't you say something? Your daughter is standing right in front of you in a wedding dress!"

The police chief hesitated, "You're beautiful... but you're no comparison to your late mother."

"Jerk," (M/n) mumbled.

He averted his gaze to the unnerving boy with an apathetic expression. The older boy swore that he saw some sort of familiarity in his eyes.

"Do you happen to be a relative of Akira Yuri?"

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