Paper Cut

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This is another piece of background story of the three best friends, but this time with the boys. This side chapter may or may not be important later in the story.

P.S. May or may not be doing this for potential angst. >:3

P.P.S This chapter will be short and sweet (a little sour too, depending on how things go ;3)


The three best friends have returned to middle school after winter break had finished. Unfortunately, it was only the boys who had to suffer since the brunette girl called in sick. It already became unbearable for them because the only person who made them behave around each other was gone for the day.

The constant debates made other students, and even the instructors, uncomfortable but mostly annoyed. They avoided the two detective fanatics the entire day, nobody bothering to tell them to stop disrupting classes.

This continued on the next day, and the next. (M/n) and Shinichi were getting more and more annoyed with each other and wondered what happened with their best friend. It really wasn't like her to be absent on a school day, let alone two.

The boys decided to visit her after school ended. The (e/c) eyed boy carried the papers since his friend couldn't be bothered to do it himself.

The blue-eyed boy opened the door without ringing the doorbell, making his friend scoff.

"Hey, Ran! We got your homework!"

"Damn, that brat's here."

"Dad!" Ran walked towards her friends and took the papers from (M/n), thanking him while sticking her tongue out at the other.

They all decided to stay for a bit before heading back out. The boys didn't bicker as much after spending some time with the female, but they couldn't help slipping a sly comment or two. Or maybe a couple more, depending on what they're talking about.

It had only been a few minutes before Shinichi acted strange.

"What's wrong with you?" the (s/c) boy huffed.

"Oi, what're you-?!"

The brunette took the other's hand and was surprised to find that his finger had a cut with blood dripping out. When did that...?

"You must've gotten a papercut. I told you you were carrying too many."

(M/n) scoffed, "You didn't bother helping, dork."

Shinichi hummed, "I don't have a bandaid, so saliva will have to do for now."

"Yeah, obviously- Oi!"

The soon-to-be detective pulled (M/n)'s hand closer and shockingly, wrapped his mouth around the boy's finger, gently sucking it so he wouldn't put too much pressure on it. He lapped up the blood and pulled away, slightly panting and now had slightly pink cheeks.

"Are you sensitive, (M/n)?"

The (h/c) haired boy flushed, "O-Of course not, dork! How would I beat you otherwise?"

"Now that I think about it, you never let anybody get close enough to receive physical contact besides holding hands. Perhaps your body's sensitive to different sensations. For example..."

(M/n) flinched back when his friend lifted his hand. Instead of a condescending slap, his face twitched when Shinichi softly cupped his face. He rubbed his thumb and traced the other boy's slightly chapped bottom lip. On instinct, the (e/c) eyed boy bit down and licked. But it was Shinichi's thumb instead of his lip.

Shinichi decided to experiment a bit more (more out of curiosity than proving a theory), so he slid his thumb further into his friend's mouth and felt his tongue pull back. It relaxed right after and gave a shy lick. Hesitating, (M/n) slowly sucked as he felt his face heat up.

What broke the blue-eyed boy out of his trance and made his face explode was the barely audible moan that his friend made.

Realizing as well, the (s/c) boy pulled away and wiped away any trace of saliva dripping down his chin.

"I-I should get going!" (M/n) ran off, but not before the other boy could see how red his face was. For a moment, Shinichi felt proud. Proud because he was the only one who could make the (h/c) haired boy a blushing, stuttering mess.

He flushed when he still felt (M/n)'s mouth around his thumb, shyly licking it. His mouth salivated, wanting to have the boy's finger in it again. And possibly have the chance to taste other parts of him.

Shinichi shook his head, "Right, like (M/n) would let me."

It's still nice to think about.

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