A June Bride Murder Case Pt. 2

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(M/n) tilted his head, "Akira Yuri? Sorry, I don't know who you're talking about."

He walked toward the doors, "Nevermind."

For a brief moment, (M/n) thought he saw the disappointment in the larger man's eyes. He had no clue what to say to make him feel better, but he felt he had to do something.

Sensing his dilemma, Conan hastily tried to come up with a response to reassure the large man.

"I-I could ask my sister. She does have a lot of friends, after all."

Too many for her own good, the (e/c) eyed boy finished in his head.

"I'd appreciate it, boy," the bride's father gave an appreciative nod before turning his back once more. Before taking one more step outside the doors, he glanced behind him.

"...You look so much like her."

A few minutes after the bride's father left, another visitor entered the room, this time with a bouquet of roses. He gave the bouquet to the bride.

"What beautiful roses! Thank you, Umemiya~kun."

"Who's that?"

"That's Umemiya-san. He's a year ahead of us."

(M/n) whispered, "He makes me sick, seeing how stuck up he is."

Ran and Sonoko giggled. Umemiya tied a pink bow on the straw before handing it to Matsumoto, then leaving with a wink.

"Oh no! The video camera's batteries are running out!"


"There's an electronics store nearby, right?" Ran placed the camera and ran out in a hurry with a flustered Sonoko behind.

(M/n) couldn't find a place to sit, so he went with leaning against a nearby wall. He sweatdropped, knowing that the bride and child had no idea he was still in the room.

Though, it did give him an edge.

She took off his glasses, "I knew it. You look exactly like Kudo Shinichi~kun. Looking at your face makes me want to scold you!"

Matsumoto pinched Conan's cheeks, "That's because Kudo~kun reminded me of the first boy I fell in love with..."

This is interesting...

"That boy was the son of the candy shop's owner near my house. Whenever people picked on me, he'd always protect me. And he'd always give me something he'd sneak out of his father's store..."

She flushed and held her tea close, "Warm lemon tea! I could never forget that memory, so I always drink this. Drinking it always gave me courage."

(M/n) didn't bother to hide a smirk when he watched the boy's expression change.

"So does that guy still live near you?"

"No. He suddenly moved away one day, and I don't know where he went. But this story continues..."

"Hey, why are you so embarrassed? Aren't you the groom?" a man in white was pushed into the room and landed on his face.

That's who she's marrying? Good luck, Matsumoto-sensei.

"Sayuri, you look beautiful!"

Toshihiko gently took the can, "Oi oi, you're still drinking poor people drinks?"

Ran and Sonoko entered the room.

"Oi, you're the son of the Takasugi group who's gonna be the next president!"

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