Friendly Teasing

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"Rumor has it, you asked Ran to go to the movies with you."

"Wh-Where'd you hear that!?"

(M/n) sighed, "Oh, come on, dork. I'm not dumb. There's no way you can hide that dazed look from me."

Shinichi flushed, "W-Well, it's not like you have a date!"

"So you did ask Ran to be your date?"

"...Not directly."

The (e/c) eyed male smirked, "Typical."

"It's not easy asking out the girl you like!"

The brown-haired boy clamps his mouth shut, hoping he didn't shout too loudly. He anxiously looked around the house before hearing a chuckle.

"My sister won't be home for another hour, dork. Relax."

If (S/n) had been home though, all hell would have broken loose. She liked to be a bit over the top about these kinds of things, which was usually why they often spent time at the Kudo mansion. They would spend time at Ran's place, but Shinichi kept leaving her father penniless.

"It is a shame though. I have a would-be girlfriend and you're still single. I pity you, really."

"Oh, Shinichi! You're so handsome and smart! It makes me want to kiss your face!" (M/n) makes obnoxious kissing sounds while he watched his friend's face slowly turn crimson.

"O-Oi! You better stop that right now!"

"Oh, Shinichi! Protect me from my big, bad father!"

The blue-eyed boy fumed, "Shut up, (M/n)!"

(M/n) falls off the couch, clutching his stomach as he tries to catch his breath. Shinichi glares holes into his friend's skull, displeased that it had no effect on him. Still, he tried to no avail.

"(M/n), I swear-!"

The (s/c) boy tucked his legs into his chest, unable to contain his uncontrollable laughter. The detective's reaction was killing him from the inside out. He wanted this torture to stop, but this was just too hilarious to not laugh at!

"Stop laughing! The neighbors can hear you!"

"Kudo Shinichi asked out Mouri Ran! It's a miracle, everyone!"

Shinichi screamed, "Keep it down!"

Sometimes, Shinichi hated his best friend. This was one of those times where he wanted to give that boy a piece of his intelligent mind. Sometimes he wonders what life would be like with just him and the Mouri girl.

Shinichi loved Ran since childhood. They were always going back and forth, but have their moments in the end. That fierceness in her eyes and her compassion clashed perfectly. Ran's willingness for helping others and giving him a piece of her mind was what attracted him to her in the first place.

But her long, soft brown hair and sparkling blue eyes did contribute to making his feelings for her exist in the first place.

But he enjoyed watching (M/n)'s smile come to fruition, even if it was at the detective's expense. And though he isn't able to see those mesmerizing eyes, he already knew those windows were wide open. That glint in his eyes when he puts the pieces together compelled him to follow his lead, not caring at all where he would be lead.

The (s/c) male's habits fit for a detective moves Shinichi in a way not even Sherlock Holmes, his father, or even Ran could.

He hated to admit it, but Ran overall, is nothing compared to that boy's hypnotic gaze alone. He wanted to stare into those alluring (e/c) eyes whenever he'd get a chance to.

(L/n) (M/n) was quite a mystery. And he'd be damned if he couldn't solve that perplexing mystery.

(M/n) waved a hand in front of the detective's face, "Hey, dork! You alright?"

Shinichi jumped, "Huh?"

"You were staring at me with a weird smile on your face. It was kinda creepy."

"Oi! Who're you calling 'creepy'?!"

"Just saying," (M/n) blinked, switching his gaze to the ground before looking back at his friend with a teasing smirk.

"You were thinking about Ran, weren't you?"

Shinichi struggled to keep his composure, "W... What gave you that idea?"

"Oh, let's see... you're not making eye contact, you're as red as a tomato, and Ran is one of the few things you get defensive about."

"When do I get defensive?"

"That one time when I beat you on a one-on-one soccer match-"

"I tripped!"

"Or when Sonoko pulled off a man's suit better than you-"

"White isn't a good color for me!"

"And, of course, daydreaming about Ran-"

"I do NOT!"

"Really? Then who were you talking about when you said, 'Oh, Shinichi! I love you with all my heart! Please let me be yours!'"

"Th-That was someone else!"

(M/n) dramatically places the back of his hand on his forehead, "Shinichi! I'll die without you! Please kiss me!"

"Ran does NOT sound like that, (M/n)! And you know it!"

"Aww, look at you! Defending your girlfriend from my endless teasing!"

The blue-eyed detective's face grew increasingly red, "(L/n) (M/n)... you are insufferable."

"You better not talk that way to your future wife, dork," the (e/c) eyed boy stuck his tongue out after dodging a kick.

"At least I'll have a wife," Shinichi grumbled. He took one step back, bracing himself for another assault of teasing.

(M/n) makes more kissing noises, "Oh, Shinichi! Kiss me! I can't live without those sweet, lips of yours!"

A/n: I am cringing so hard rn. I want to die.

Shinichi fumes as he watched his childhood friend clutch his stomach once more, even wiping a tear from his face.

While he felt the temperature increase on his face, he watched the other struggle to catch his breath. Letting the cogs turn in his head, he praised himself for being born a genius.

As soon as he saw signs of (M/n)'s laughter calming itself, he put his plan into action.

"Of course. I can't keep my "wife" waiting."

The other male stopped completely, "Huh?"

"Pucker up, honey," the detective puckered his lips and leaned toward the (s/c) boy.

(M/n) gulped, "Y... You're not serious... Are you?"

Unfortunately, he kept leaning closer. The (e/c) eyed boy fell onto the couch from trying to lean away from his friend.

"Sh-Shinichi... What are you doing?"

Now the tables have turned.

"Giving you a kiss, of course. What kind of husband would I be if I can't even give my wife that?" Shinichi winked. Feeling his face heat up, (M/n) crawled backward, scrambling away from the approaching detective.

Shinichi was now straddling his poor friend. From (M/n)'s perspective, the blue-eyed detective looked like a god (he couldn't fathom how that was possible).

Using what little strength he could muster from the sheer embarrassment, he shoved his friend off the couch and leaves behind a trail of smoke.

"What's his deal? It's just a kiss."

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