Chapter 1

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"Oh man what time is it, I'm exhausted?"  Emma says with a big yawn. "It's almost 7pm". Deputy Mulan Fa told her boss, Sheriff Emma Swan, who is in charge of the Storybrooke police department and has been for almost 5 years. "Ok, I gotta get outta here, I've been here for almost 2 days now".  "Go home boss, we're all set here now".  "Yeah. I'm glad it didn't take forever to catch those idiots. I'm mean seriously who robs banks nowadays? With all the technology and cameras everywhere, we're gonna find you. Dumbass's".  "Your so right boss". Mulan says with a laugh. "Ok. I'm going home. Finish up that report and get a copy over to the DA, and I'll see ya sometime tomorrow".  "Night boss. Sleep well".  Emma smiles as she walks out of the station to her truck. Emma yawns again while driving. The sun has already set, but the sky still has a little light to it. She smiles looking around the long stretch of road she's on. Storybrooke is a small town with lots of open spaces. There are a few farms in the area, a huge dairy farm along with horse and cattle farm. It's a different world compared to where she grew up in Lowell Massachusetts. Lowell is a nice place for the most part, but it's a city. It's loud with lots of people and cars and traffic. Emma doesn't miss all that. So does miss some of the friends she met and still keeps in touch with every now and then. Even though Emma was a foster kid she was mostly lucky to get into decent enough homes. No one was rich, but they were good hard working people. Emma was lost in thought so she didn't see the big horse till it was almost to late. "HOLY SHIT". She yells as she quickly swerved to the right to avoid the large animal. Her truck goes off the road and into a small ditch and she comes to a quick stop. Her heart is beating so fast and he's almost hyperventilating. It takes a few moments to try and calm down. She looks herself over. Nothing seems broken, she can't see any blood. He shoulder hurts a little from the seatbelt but other than that she thinks she's ok. She takes a deep breath. "Ok. I'm ok. What the fuck just happened?" She puts her truck in drive and tries to get out of the ditch but her tires seem to be stuck. "Shit". She gets out and looks around. She sees both back tires are flat and one is dug right into the grass and dirt. "Ahh Damn it". She gets her cellphone and tries to dial a tow truck but of course her battery died and she doesn't have her charger because she left everything at home when she left quickly to go to work the other night. "Man. What the hell?"  She slams the door and starts walking back to the road she was driving on and she sees a horse just eating grass on the side of the road. She walks over to the animal. "So your what I almost hit. What are you doing out here all alone?"  She asks as she looks around trying to find someone who may be with the horse. Emma reaches out slowly to pet the animal. "Your a cutie aren't ya?"  She looks him over, he seems clean and well cared for. "So do you live at the farm up the street? Did you runaway? Come on let's get you home". She says as she grabs hold of the harness around his head. She can't help but to keep looking at the big animal as they walk. She doesn't know anything about horses, but for some reason she likes this one. He's got a really pretty brown color to him with a patch of white from the forehead to nose. About a quarter mile up the road Emma comes to a farm with other horses inside a corral. "Is this your home buddy?"  She says as they begin walking up the dirt road. When she's almost to the farm house she hears a woman's loud voice. She looks around and sees a brunette quickly stomping her way over. "What the hell are you doing with him?"  She yells at Emma. "Give him to me". Emma is shocked by this woman being so angry. "What the hell lady? I'm doing you a favor by bringing him back. I almost hit him, he was right in the middle of the road. Next time keep your animals penned up correctly, or I'll have animal control out here to check things out". Emma shouts back. Regina begins to laugh. "Oh please, who the hell do you think you are".  Emma smirks as she says. "Sheriff Swan, Storybrooke police department that's who. Do you always let your animals roam free in the middle of the road?"  Regina is surprised by this pretty woman being a sheriff. "My apologies Sheriff Swan. No I don't let my animals roam free, but this one here sometimes likes to chew through his rope. Thank you for bringing him back. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act like that, I've just had him since I was 16 and I didn't know he was gone and I jumped to conclusions when I saw you with him". Emma smiles at the way this woman is looking and patting her horse. "Ok. I understand".  "So you said you found him down the road?"  "Ya I almost hit him. I went off the road trying to avoid him". Emma sees a little water forming in the brunettes eyes. She must really love this horse. "I'm very sorry for your trouble. Are you ok is your vehicle ok?"  "My shoulder hurts a bit from the seatbelt, but my truck is stuck in a ditch with 2 flat tires". "I'm really so sorry. I'll do my best to try and make sure this never happens again". Emma nods. A man comes walking up behind the brunette. "Everything ok Regina?"  "Yes Daniel. Rocinante got out again. Could you please take him back to the stables and make sure the lock is secure?"   "Sure no problem. Let's go trouble maker". He says while starting to walk away with the horse. "Thank you again Sheriff". The brunette says as she begins to walk away. "Hey, do you mind if I use your phone. I need to call for a tow truck and my battery is dead".  "Sure. Please follow me into the house. You can use the phone in the kitchen". Emma smiles and they walk into the farmhouse.

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