Chapter 24

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Lizzies POV

"LIZZIE GET UP ITS CHRISTMAS." Adam yelled jumping on my bed.

"GET your lazy fat ass up!" I heard someone yell, most likley at Preston.

I burst out laughing at got up, adam walked out. I checked the time, 9:36. I sighed and got dressed into some leggings and a sweater. I went down stairs Preston, was cooking. She was making a dutch baby (Best thing ever look it up) She was wearing a red dress the long sleeves that went down the her knees it also has a heart cut out in the back. She took the food out of the oven and set it on the counter. We all ate in was quiet until Mitch spoke up.

"Guys Me and Preston are together."

"AWW!" I said. Preston laughed.

"Let's open presents!" Jason said. I smiled and walked into the living room. We all sat around the tree. Preston handed the boys and i the presents. I opened mine and saw a perfect pair of combat boots.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled smiling.

"Ah yes young Lizzie i know i'm the best gift giver ever." Preston said as she watched the reaction of the boys.

"ITS BUDDER!" Adam screamed making my ears ring.

"Thanks Preston!" We cheered.

Adam handed out his gifts, He got all of us team crafted necklaces, there were beautiful. Preston's was engraved to say 'I would jump in front of a gun, i would jump in front of a grenade for these people. That's is because Chances are all i have to take' and mine said 'Lifes not about waiting for the storm to pass its about dancing in the rain." I smiled and put it around my neck clasping the small hook.


"Now for Lizzie!" Jerome cheered.

I handed out the boxes, i got Preston a ring she wanted for ages, I got Jason a new telescope for star gazing, Adam i got him a whole case of butter, so on and so forth.

We decided to go out to dinner, Preston and Mitch were matching Preston was wearing a red dress that was strapless, with a sweetheart neckline, jewels and it got big at the bottom she was also wearing red heels. Mitch was wearing a suit with a red tie, red cufflings and so on. #Pitch went in Preston's car, me and jason in mine, and the rest of the team drove in the truck. I parked my car at the place and saw Preston's car was not to far ahead, I walked up to the car and look in the window, they were making out, i knock on the window making Preston hit the horn. I started laughing and jason had to hold me up. They got out of the car and we met the team inside. we sat down and had a wonderful evening.

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