Chapter 19

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Song~Turning tables

~Preston's POV~

My phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hi are you the friend of Lizzie?" a female voice asked sweetly.

"Yes why."

"Well i need you to come to the hostpital turns out she was in a car crash and was just rushed into surgry she fell into a Coma."

I hung up the phone and tossed in on my bed. I got dressed and did my makeup. I took my Bright pink jansport backpack and packed some of mine and lizzie's clothes inside, along with my charger, snacks, a letter and Lizzie's charger. I hung it over my right shoulder and grabbed my phone and my Car keys. I walked out of my room and went to Jason's room.

"Jason?" I asked as i knocked.

"Come in." He mumbled. I opened the door to see him playing minecraft.

"We have to go, Lizzie's in a Coma." I said. He got up and grabbed his charger and phone, he put on some shoes and we rushed outside. We got in my car and I drove as fast as i could, i think i could be a race car driver (XD) I turned Left turning the wheel fast causing the car to drift.



"What happens if Lizzie doesn't wake up?"

"I go with her." I said Turning into the hosptial parking lot. I quickly parked the car and took my backpack. I ran inside and looked at the large sign that said room numbers and people.

Lizzie was in 205 I ran down the hallway, up the stairs and made a right being greeted with the room number 205. I stepped in to see Lizzie on the bed with Wires and cords coming out of her. she looked Pretty banged up. I sat down, taking the letter out.


Dear Lizzie,

If a day like this ever came, I'm sorry. I'll Miss you so much and i have to say, Thank you for taking chances with me. Iv'e grown to know what a best friend is, but i known now what a sister feels like. Fights or not, together or apart you will always be my sister in heart. I never had a friend like you. I could tell you anything and show you everything. But today is where we say our goodbyes, whats the point of life without your best friend, whats the point of life with out your sister, That's the thing i don't know and i don't think i will ever know,


The feisty one, Preston


I placed the letter on the side table and stood up.

"I'm sorry." I whispered walking out.

"Preston what are you doing!" Jason said putting a hand on my shoulder, I stopped.

"What i'm doing doesn't matter but i can't have you stop me." I said shaking his hand off my shoulder and walked out of the hostpital making my way to the park. The wind blew throwing the scent of smoke around, it was November. I sighed and made my way to the park.


I took out my phone 2 texts from Jason and one from Mitch. I started a group chat with the team in it.

'I'm Sorry.'~Preston.

'What are you sorry for?'~ Mitch

'Where are you do you need to be picked up.'~ Adam.

'I'll Tell you but don't try to stop me.'~ Preston.

'Where are you?'~ Ian

'At the park, now goodbye.'~Preston.

'What does that mean?'~ Jerome

'Do you think she's going to...'~ Ty

'I don't know'~Jason

I placed my phone on the ground and made my way to the small cliff over viewing the city. I sat down on the ground and looked at the view. I closed my eyes remembering the one other time i been to LA I got up and Kicked the fence down. I turned my back to the world and closed my eyes.

Think Preston THINK why are you doing this?

Because i can't live without my Best friend.

Think about what you have, why you live, how you live.

That's the thing i have nothing to live for.

I kept battling the other side of my mind. I put my arms out waiting for the wind to take me I started to think about all the memories i had.


"Preston Peterson." The vice princeable called. I walked up to the stage and smiled as i took my diploma from her hand. I took a step off the stage and Ran to lizzie, we emraced each other in our arms.

"We did it." I whispered

*Flashback Over*

*Flashback 1st grade*

"Hi i'm Lizzie!" The girl said

"I'm Preston." I smiled

"I think we will be best friends." Lizzie said.

I knodded. " I think we will"

*Flashback Over*

*Flashback, When i got a broken heart*

"He didn't desereve you." She cooed rubbing my back.

"Why did i have to be so stupid." I mumbled Looking back at the movie

"You weren't stupid, you were just oblivious."

*Flashback Over*

I let a tear fall from my eye at i took a step back, towards the cliff.

"I'm Sorry." I whispered as i lifted my left leg to step back. But instead of feeling, well death. I felt a breath on my neck and arms around my waist. I opened my eyes.

"Why Preston, Why?" Mitch whispered in my ear.

"The only reason is, Because i can." I whispered as he picked me up off my feet and placed me away from the cliff. I looked around, Jerome and Adam were here. they walked over and Adam engulfed me in a hug.

"It's going to be okay." He whispered.

"Nothings this okay you speak of."

We let go and Me and Jerome hugged.

"You alright?" He asked

"I fell down on my head as a baby, i'm crazy and almost tried to kill myself, i don't think i'm alright." I said taking a step back.

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