Chapter 26

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Lizzie's POV

I sat on the couch and watched COPS. I know I know everyone's like "It's christmas why are you not with family or friends?" Well... my mom died 4 years ago and then my Dad well I don't know where his is. For all I know he could be so phycopathic killer! But I won't expect that. I have no siblings #onlychild. And yeah the rest of my family lifes in a England cause I'm english. And I do have that english accent people are always trying to mimic.

"Hey..." It was Jerome.

"Was up Bacca?"

"Nothing... why arent you playing truth or dare with us outside?"

"I don't really feel like it..."


He grabbed my and pulled me up. I was in my Poke'mon Kangoromi of Picachu. He ran holding my hand. I could feel the ears bouncing on my head as I went outside. A cool fall breeze went by. I sat on a chair next to Jason. I grabbed the wine bottle and a wine glass. I poured the red wine into the glass and took a small sip.

"Ok Lizzie truth or dare." Preston says

"Dare" I say with a smirk put on my face.

"Ok... I dare you to kiss the handsomest boy here."

I look around and then kiss Jason.


"Ok... Jerome truth or dare."


"I dare you to jump in the pool... NAKED."

"I will need a barf bag for that..." Adam says.


"WAIT LET ME GO GET A TOWEL." Preston says.

She runs into the house and comes out with a towel.

Jerome strips of his clothes and goes on the diving borad.

"Wow being drunk can make you do some crazy things!" Mitch says.

Adam walks over the bush and throws up.

"Clean up in isle bush"

Jerome then runs and says.


Before he can finsh he hits the water. We all wait for him to suface and he dosent. I take off my Pajams then I was in bra and under wear. I dive in.I then open my eyes and look for Jerome. He had hit his head on the bottom of the pool. I swim over to him and hoist him on my shoulder. I then swim up and gasp for breath saying

"Call 911."

Jason grabs my cellphone and dials it. I get Jerome on the grass and start to do CPR.

"Hello oporator... yes... well we where playing truth or dare and someone hit his head on the botton of the pool in a dare."

Adam and Mitch put of Jerome's boxers and shorts.

"I could not stand looking at his junk." Adam says.

I hear the ambulace pull up and they come into the back yard.

"Good job doing CPR."

I watch as they put Jerome on the stretcher and carry him to the ambulace. I put on my Pajama's and jump in my Farrarin with Jason. Preston and Mitch.

"You guys clean up Jeromes room for when he comes home... we might be home late."

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