|Chapter 7|

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Power in numbers. It's what I reminded myself each time I disliked the thought of Huro and Song coming with. Power came in numbers and even I knew that. Especially when the powerful joined up and those two were quite strong and I could see it.

They were defiantly two not to be messed with and I could see it in plain sight. 'They are a strong pair that I will give them. And they could come in use once the hunt for Michael really begins.' Everything Satan said was true and even I knew that.

Song was apparently a very good tracker. . . and fighter, she showed it in our sparring match. And then there was Huro, her mate and he was the lead warrior after all. And something told me he didn't get that position because of his friendship with Akira.

Like most warrior werewolves I had met he had the build. The tall height and muscles coursing through him. 'Something fit for someone's job to defend their pack and territory and keep the people safe.' Skinny and short didn't get the job done for warriors. I may be short and small, but for werewolves it was different.

Most short and small werewolves happened to be omegas, natural born ones from a line of them. Andrew had his height from being pure alpha bloodlines. He was an omega because he was a twin. But the one phrase repeated itself over and over in my head.

I let it as well. 'As much as you would like to repel it from your thoughts it sort of needs to stay there.' Power in numbers, power in numbers. Like a tape on repeat. Anytime I even thought of telling Huro and Song I didn't need their help I repeated it again.

Power in numbers, power in numbers. And with these numbers we might stand a fighting chance. I had no idea what Damien and Lucian were thinking by sending me in there by myself, but I had to trust them at this point. Despite their wicked pasts.

They both had a wicked past and neither of them had clean hands. 'But at this point they're a much better option than Michael.' And that I could admit. I leaned back thinking of the encounter with them that I had with them which led me to this very situation that I happened to be in.


Drip, drip, drip, drip. The platter of water was annoying. Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip. Out of all places these three wanted me to meet up with them it was under this bridge in Cambridge, a neighboring city of Greenburg. Honestly I probably looked like some sort of criminal under here.

It was cold and of course it was raining and some of it turned into hale. The bridge provided some relief. However the relief didn't stop my wet hair from clinging to my neck or the slight chill from my clothes as I waited. . . and waited for them to show up.

I'm not sure why I was too surprised about the meeting being here in some shady underground bridge. This was like a setup to be betrayed and murdered. This place was secluded away from people. . . a place where you couldn't be heard screaming.

Honestly if this was anyone else I'd of never agreed to meet here, especially alone. Well not alone, alone. Maryse prowled around since the agreement was she stayed out from the bridge. But Dalton wasn't allowed in here for the agreement, but that didn't stop him from coming with.

I could see his outline in his car as he watched the bridge to make sure they didn't attack me. I simply smiled in his direction. It felt reassuring to have him here in a way just like knowing Maryse would tear into anyone who didn't belong here. Dalton would do the same.

"Having a werewolf mate is pleasant isn't it?" I turned over to see Alina standing there. Lightening crackled like a horror movie revealing Lucian behind her. And it didn't take me long to spot Damien leaning up against the wall. He smiled revealing gleaming fangs inside of his mouth just perked for the kill.

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