|Chapter 8|

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Everything set up for the food at the dinner was Asian based, but I wasn't surprised. There was some sort of Asian pot roast, and a bunch of other things. Chicken based in different types of sauces. Isabella and I had no idea what was what.

Derik of course knew and did all of the picking of food for Lyric. 'Which leaves us looking over all of the food like an idiot not sure what we'll like.' The only really Americans. . . or non-Asians in this room was Audrey, Lyric, Isabella and I.

Like every other pack Akira and Audrey ate first as a sign of their alpha and luna status. It didn't bother me as I was use to it. Mom always ate first with dad and made it clear when we could start eating. It really showed her alpha genes quite well.

But waiting to eat didn't bother me. Lyric was too shy to object and Isabella. . . Isabella just didn't want to start anything so she waited. The feast wasn't as big as we thought it would be. Only the high-ups in Red Claws were the ones that had come.

The lead tracker, warrior, scout, and a few warriors as well. 'It's a nice gathering and not too big either. A good introduction to the pack in a way.' I nodded at that. I ate the more normal looking things including the pot roast loading the glass plate with it.

Most of the foods I was unsure what were, but a few I could take guesses on. Despite that the food was still good and I was grateful for that. Akira looked over the table as his fingers drummed on the table as he watched all of us as we ate.

There was murmurs and chat at the table amongst each other but no big talk. 'Akira is waiting to talk you can see it in his posture. Just waiting to come out with some speech of some kind.' I nodded at that running a hand through my hair. I watched him.

"As you can tell we have guests." Akira spoke finally and the table went silent and all eyes went to their alpha. Audrey was quiet as well sitting next to him her entire focus on him. "My cousin Derik and his mate. . . Lyric." Akira said recalling her name once more.

"And Dalton Ashford, next-in-line alpha to Black Crescent Moon, and Isabella Knight. They're here on personal business that some of you will be debriefed on." Akira said looking at them. Some of them would be helping us no doubt and that I knew. I just wasn't sure who would help yet.

'Whoever is helping us will no doubt be the ones that Akira deems the best fit for this considering they'll be going up against an immortal. Hell might even be fighting one, but sure as hell tracking one.' And this could be quite a dangerous thing for sure.

The best would no doubt keep us alive in a situation like this which I was fine with. If Akira wanted us to have the best and would handpick who helped us who was I to complain? As long as it got the job done and helped us find Michael before he found us it was good.

Lucian made it clear we needed to start getting steps ahead of him before he ended up staying ahead of us. 'And by this we should find him and hopefully corner him and end this for once and all.' Or at least that was the hope.

And it was best to remain hopeful since we were hunting an immortal, one of the Corbin brothers. Isabella was an immortal and this would be quite the rest of her strength. Looking at Isabella all I could do was smile at her as she ate her food as Akira talked.

"I want you to treat all four with respect. They are quite high and honored guests, Derik is the son of our fallen alpha, Dalton is the son of a very powerful alpha in North America, and Isabella. . . well you'll just have to get to know why she is to be treated with respect." Akira said.

'Honestly I couldn't tell if its him trying to be a bit sly with his pack or if he's unsure if he's allowed to say Isabella is an immortal.' The second option showed that he held respect to keep her little gift private unless she said otherwise.

"I assume Huro and Song you gave them a tour of some of the territory?" Akira asked and they both nodded. "We showed them the walking distance of the territory. There is still much that they haven't seen." Huro said and Akira nodded at that glancing at Audrey.

"Then tomorrow Audrey and I can show them the more important places for what they're here for. If you four need to go somewhere just tell Song, she can bring you there." Akira said. 'Well that's a nice thing for him to offer. Someone to help us around the pack grounds.'

It was a nice thing and could no doubt help us when we needed to go places. "Breakfast starts around 6 and ends at 10. Lunch goes from 12 to 2, and dinner at 5 to 7. After that you cook for yourself if you don't show up to the mealtimes." Akira said.

I nodded at that. That could be arranged, those times were pretty similar to the times that we ate minus the time change in Asia. But we were adjusting quite well to all of this. 'If it gets us to the prize that we need and all the information than it's worth it.'

I nodded at that running a hand through my hair. As long as this got us to the target we needed anything could be adjusted. Isabella ate her chicken dipped in the orange sauce while watching Akira with a blank look on her face, void of any emotion.

'She has quite the poker face when she knows she might need one, that I can admit for sure.' I nodded at that. With that we returned back to eating as everyone went to chatting amongst each other. Even Akira talked to Audrey with a clever smile on his face as he touched her thigh.

I looked away after that and continued eating the pot roast. The pot roast tasted good. After we all finished our dinner we got a nice surprise of dessert. And this time it just wasn't Asian based, they had typical American desserts as well made for us.

No doubt as a sign of good faith. Cupcakes, a big cheesecake, as well as an angel food cake and some cookies. Isabella was quick to get herself a slice of cheesecake and cookies before settling down to eat as I got myself some angel food cake and some cookies as well.

'This food is actually very good. We should talk to dad about getting some pack chefs. Especially ones with a culinary degree as well.' Pack chefs weren't a real big position in most packs, a few packs had them, but not all and my pack happened to be one who didn't have them.

Although that could be changed as soon as I tasted this cake. Both Isabella and I happily ate the food with Isabella at my side. Once we had finished all of the dessert did we part ways once more going back to our suites as Isabella sat down.

"Seemed to go good." I told her with a bit of a smile on my face and she nodded at that. 'Seemed to go quite good. We had good food and a nice introduction and no drama happening either.' Which always made things quite better when there was no added drama.

"So any luck on the safehouses yet?" I asked. "There is actually a nice amount in Asia. Now I have to go through all of them, see what's in use, what's not in use, what's under construction since they like making new ones which will be ones of suspicion as well." Isabella said.

I nodded at that. 'Isabella is quite smart on what to put under suspicion considering they could be using under construction as a place to hide Michael.' I nodded once more. "And I wouldn't put it past them to put him in a place like that to stay hidden and secure." Isabella said.

It was weird, quite weird knowing The Organization was no longer on our side anymore. "I'll have to call Lucian and talk to him about everything." Isabella said and I nodded at that. "Good idea."

1431. Supernatural is replaying episodes. So I rushed this chapter a bit. But you know still came out good. Now to eat some fruit snacks. Until next time nice marshmallows.

 Until next time nice marshmallows

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