A little backstory

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Hi guys! (Edit, I made this fic when I was 12 and it breaches a rough topic early doors. I don't know what I was on at the time but don't have the heart to take it down as it was my first fic. It isn't the best in my opinion, but without rewriting the whole story there isn't much I can do. So, read at your own risk of a million cringes and wtf moments. Lots of love to you all xx)

This is my first The 100 fanfiction so I hope you like it. I am a diehard shipper of Bellarke and can't wait for the season 6 debut! Anyway, I thought I'd give you a little back story and tell you what things I have changed.

1. Diyoza from season 5 is a good person. I have changed her character a little so now she was one of Kane and Abby's friends and a fellow member of the council, instead of being on the Eligus 2 ship with all the other criminals.

2. The story will be based in Arkadia. The story will not follow the actual story in anyway, but will be placed after Mt. Weather.

3. The coalition is in place and Skaikru are the 13th clan.

4. LEXA HASN'T DIED!! I love Lexa so much, and Clexa too. However, as I have already said I am a diehard Bellarke shipper, so of course Clexa isn't in question. But, there is something here for Lexa instead of Clarke!

5. Finn isn't dead either! Instead he was taken into Mt. W.

6. Clarke only shut the Drop-ship door on Bellamy as Bellamy asked her to if it came to it.

7. Wick wasn't ever a big part. He is mentioned a couple times but not a big part.

8. Roan and Azgeda were introduced a lot earlier. Shortly before Bellamy went into Mt. W, Roan was appointed king of Azgeda and came to help Clarke and Lexa defeat Mt. W.

9. Lexa never took the deal with Cage. Instead the door never got opened and they sent a small group of people to the caves and then from there it was the same.

10. Murphy is also now a good guy. Raven forgave him reluctantly for shooting her but Murphy is now accepted.

And finally, the story starts just after Mt. Weather. Just as Bellamy is trying to convince Clarke to stay............

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