Chapter 23

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Today was the day I had been waiting for, for 12 years. I would finally see my mother again.

"Keep pushing everyone! Don't stop!" I shout as we push all the discarded rocks off of the trap door. Raven had been making a machine over the years that could remelt the metal, meaning we would have a little amount of time to open the hatch after she had melted it open.

With all our strength we finally cleared the door and Raven got ready to turn on the machine. "Madi! Make sure all the children stay far back!" I shout over to her. She nods her head and gathers everyone behind her. I look over to Raven and give her the ready symbol as I grab Bellamy's hand beside me. The whir of the machine turns on and we feel the heat immediately radiate from it. I screw my eyes shut, hoping that it will work.

I hear the cluck of metal and the whirring stop. I peel my eyes open and look at the scene before me. The trap door had been flung open and Lexa was standing at the hatch opening. "Clarke!" She shouted as she saw me. I gave her my hand and pulled her up, giving her a hug as I watch people climb out of the bunker. "How many are there of you?" I ask. She looks down to her feet. "Clarke. People started rioting down there. Mostly my people because "Skaikru destroyed there homes so why should they share theirs now." There are only... there are only 498 of us left."

498? Out if 1200 people to begin with. Let alone the next generation of children? "Oh.." I sigh. She gives me a reasurring smile and leaves me to help everyone else exit the bunker.

"Clarke?!" I hear a voice shout from behind me. "Mum!!" I turn around and see my mother stood there tears in her eyes next to Kane. I run to her and hug her tightly, letting the tears finally slip down my face. She kisses the top of my head and says, "Ok. Where are the grandchildren?" I smile and gesture to Madi, who gladly brings her siblings over to us.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" The twins shout, running out from behind Madi and Lottie's backs and jumping into their grandparents arms. "Well thats Jake, and this is Zoe. And these, are Madi and Lottie." I say gesturing to each child in turn. Bellamy stands between Madi and I, wrapping his arm around me and resting his other arm on Madi's shoulder.

My mum and the children talk for a while, catching up on everything in their lives as they had never met each other before. It was a sight to see them bond, and I was happy that for once there was no fights to hold.

And then the two shots rang out. Loud and clear like nails on a chalkboard.

"Clarke.." My mum gasps out, her body falling to the floor and Kane's following behind hers. Madi pulled the children away and took them to O and Lincoln.

"Mum... no..." I cried, letting the tears fall down my cheeks. Bellamy crouched by Kane's body, checking his pulse. He shook his head and let it drop. "Mum, hold on. I will do something just hold on. Please! I just got you back..." My mum grabs my hand and looks me in the eye, "I love you so much Clarke. You are a beautiful mother to those children, and that tells me I raised you right... There isn't anthing you can do now... I love you-" But she didn't finish her sentence. Her final breath falling before she could finish. I cried out and Bellamy held onto me, stroking my head to soothe me as the tears slowly fell down his face too.

I looked up to the rest of the crowd, watching as they all followed Lexa who was down on one knee. Bowing at their death. "In peace, may you leave the shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey on the ground. May we meet again. Yu gonplei este odon." She said loudly, everyone chanting it behind her.

"Two amazing people were just murdered. By one of our own. Wilam, yu gonplei este odon." And with that, the man that had shot my parents was slaughtered by Lexa's sword. "If anyone tries to destroy the peace of Wonkru, they will end up like Wilam did. Do I make myself clear to you all?" She spoke each word without a quiver, staying strong and collected, like a good commander needs to be.

Everyone stays silent, only the sobs that escape my lips can be heard. Everyone follows Monty and Harper back to the village we had made for us to live in, leaving Bellamy, me, Lincoln, Octavia, Madi, Lottie, Jake, Zoe and Ontari. Lottie and Zoe start to cry, running over to us and hugging us tightly. Madi sniffles and lets a few tears roll down her cheeks as Jake looks solemly at the floor.

We all walk back to camp silently, Bellamy grasping my hand as if I was going to slip away. We watch as everyone disperses into their new cabins, and we take the children to theirs next door. We put everyone to bed, leaving us alone with Madi. She still sniffles as she is sat on the sofa, looking blankly at the wall when Bellamy and I come in. "Mum..." She breathes out as she collides into me, letting herself sob in the comforts of my arms. I cry along with her and Bellamy wraps his arms around us.

May we meet again mum...

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