Chapter 19

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Clarke's P.O.V

My knees fall weak and I start to fall to the ground, only for Bellamy to catch me just in time. He rushes me to the back of the rover where we had prepared things ready for the birth.

He laid me down as the contractions became more frequent and more painful than the last. "I can't do this Bellamy.." I cry. He grabs hold of my chin, "Look at me Princess. You can do this. I know you can. And even if you don't think you can, you have to. It is way too late to back out now. So just breathe for me, you can do this."

I start to feel the beads of sweat form on my forehead as I get the overwhelming urge to push. So I do. "Bellamy, I need to push." I say, my breathing faltering a little. He nods his head and holds onto my hand. I squeeze onto it, pushing with all my might as I feel the baby's head crown. "Keep pushing Princess. It's nearly here. Just a few more pushes and we will have our baby." He carries on encouraging me, just as Raven's voice falls through the radio.

"Hi guys! Have you found anywhere yet?" She says rather cheerfully. Bellamy doesn't let go, but grabs the radio and turns it on. I scream out as I keep pushing, "Clarke is having the baby now! We will call you back when the baby is here and healthy ok?" He shouts. Raven apologises and leaves it back to eing Bellamy and I.

I push for the final time, relief washing over my body with tears as I feel the baby drop onto the blanket beneath me and cry. "Princess you did it..." Bellamy whispers, rushing forward to the baby.

"We have a little daughter.." I look up to him and the baby, tears pouring from both of our eyes. He cuts the embilocal cord and hands me our daughter and a blanket to clean her up.

I hold tight onto our daughter, soothing both her cries and my own, glancing over at Bellamy who was throwing away all the ruined blankets. The sun was peeking at her from over the top of the trees, warmth spreading through our bodies. I could see her properly now, tufts of brown hair and she already had a few freckles, "She is beautiful..." I whisper out, catching Bellamy's attention as he helps me to get from the rover to the cabin.

My legs are really painful, and shaky at that, but I would rather endure this pain now and get to a proper bed than be unconfortable in the rover. I climb into the bed, careful not to wake the now asleep baby in my arms. "What should we call her?" Bellamy asks softly as he climbs into the bed next to me.

I stare down at our daughter, feeling finally complete now she was here, "Charlotte. Charlotte Aurora Blake. After the first child we had a bond with together." Bellamy smiles at me and kisses my head, moving me down a little so we could all lay down and sleep.


After a couple hours of restful sleep, we wake up to Charlotte's cries. She was still bundled in a blanket, seeming as we had no clothes for her yet, but looked as cosy as ever. I pulled my top down slighty, allowing her access to my boob, and let her eat. At first it was painful, but after the milk started flowing it felt more fufilling. She looked so graceful, and I still couldn't get over the fact that she was here and my own.

After she finished, Bellamy helped me up. My inner legs felt more numb than painful but I was relieved that there was barely any pain. We walked to the table, turning on the radio, "Hey Raven you there?" Bellamy called out. The static came on and Octavia's voice bubbled, "BELLAMY! CLARKE, IS SHE OK? IS THE BABY OK?" I smiled at her enthusiasm, and started laughing as we heard Lincoln's voice in the background trying to calm her down, which got a snarky response back. "I am ok Octavia, and so is your niece." I say lightly. She squeals down the radio, "Charlotte Aurora Blake." And Octavia squeals again. "Is she cute?" "Nearly as beautiful as her mother." Bellamy beams. Charlotte gurgles a little as she wakes up, opening her bright blue eyes for the first time. "She has eyes like her mother's too.." Bellamy whispers as we look down at her in awe. The group laugh and tell us that they will call back later tonight, leaving us to tell my mum.

We changed the stations, speaking loudly into the next, "Mum? Can you hear me? I have news." I call out. The noise of the static replies, accompanied by my mothers voice, "Clarke! News? Good news or bad..?" She started to soound worried, "Good news. Really good news. We thought that you would want to know, that Charlotte Aurora Blake was born last night. Your grand-daughter." My mum laughs happily through the radio, before the static cuts in again and then silence.

Bellamy takes our little girl from my arms, "Go down to the river and clean yourself off. I will be ok." I peck his lips as a thanks and head out of our cabin, slowly walking down to the river on slightly shaky legs.

As I wash myself off, I hear a strange rustle in the bushes behind me. My head snaps to where the noise comes from and I can see a small shadow hiding behind the bushes. "Hello?" I call out, wading my way out of the pool. I watch as a small figure darts out of the bushes, running into another hiding place, "Hey.. It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. You can trust me." The small figure steps slowly into the sunlight, revealing themself. A young girl stood before me, only around the age of 6. She was muddy and looked rather scared.

I took a step towards her and watched as something flashing in her eyes. She ran back into the forest, this time me following her. We reached a clearing and she had disappeared, but I could hear her rustling in the bushes. "I am not here to hurt you. Only talk. Ai laik Clarke Griffin kom skaikru." I say in Trigedeslang, hoping the young girl could understand me. She leapt out of the bushes on top of me, a cut landing on my cheek, "Sheidgeda jus..?" Which I translated to Night blood. "Sha! Sheidgeda jus, just like you." I say softly, watching as her eyes soften too. "Sorry... My mum always told me to not trust anyone that wasn't kom trikova valley kru."

I crouched down infront of the small girl, who spoke quietly as if unsure of herself, "I am Madi kom trikova valley kru. And you said you were Clarke kom skaikru? As in wanheda?" She asked. I smiled softly at her, "That is me. Is there anyone else alive Madi?" I ask but she shakes her head. "I am the last one alive. Other than you." She looks down sadly so I take her hands in mine, "Madi, would you like to stay with us. We won't hurt you, we can teach you things you may never have learnt before. There are more of us you see, underground and in space. But it is only me, my husband and our baby here." She smiles up and me and nods her head, following me back down to Bellamy.

"Bellamy, this is Madi kom Trikovakru. This was her home before everyone died from the radiation. She has nowhere else to go, so I will take care of her from now. And you of course. Madi, this is Bellamy, and this is baby Charlotte." I smile at our new family. Knowing that this is as good as it can get...

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