Chapter 21

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Clarke's P.O.V

Everyone was finally happy. Raven and Murphy had recently gotten married, and she delivered a healthy baby boy. His name was Aden Sinclair Reyes and Raven was very protective of him. Only Murphy and I knew the whole story as to why she was so protective of him, and because of that she only really left him with one of the two of us. Murphy because he was the father of the child, and me because she trusted me, I had had a child already and I knew what it was like to lose a child, and everyone respected that.

Charlotte and Jordan had a very close bond, and even though they didn't know what it meant, they were still "boyfriend and girlfriend". It was cute seeing them together, but Bellamy wasn't so keen on letting his new Princess start dating.

I now looked like a baby elephant. I was so big and even bigger than I was before, reaching my due date in a couple of days. Octavia also looked pretty big, well for her anyway. She was probably half the size of me normally, and now that she was only a month behind me her bump was tiny in comparison.

We had tried to get everyone out of the bunker, but there was no use. The door had melted shut and until we could figure out a way to unmelt it, they were stuck. It killed me to think that I may never get to see my mum again, but I know that I will do everything in my power to get her out.

I sat on the log, perched up against Bellamy as Aden cooed in my arms, both of us smiling down at him as he laid against the top of my bump. Raven had gone inside her cabin for a nap alongside Murphy, so they left me in charge of the baby. He was much bigger than what Charlotte was at this age, but I felt he was a lot cuter because of that.

"Mummy! Mummy! Look what Jordan made me!" Charlotte shouted as the two bounded back from the flower field, Madi walking in slowly behind them. Charlotte jumped onto Bellamy's lap and help up a flower necklace, "It's a pretty necklace!" I smiled at her enthusiasm and placed it around her neck. She beamed at me and ran back off to play for a while.

"How did you two care for a child with so much enthusiasm, but still show her compassion and elegance?" Octavia says as she steadies herself down onto the log opposite us, "We had Madi." Bellamy stated simply, the young girl hearing her name and wandering over. "Clarke? Can I go out with the others tomorrow for the hunting party?" I raise my brow at her question; hunting together was always our thing, "Bellamy said I could." She said trying to persuade me further, "Oh did he now?" I inquire, turning my head to my husband. "I said that she would need to learn to hunt bigger things at some point, so why not with us?" He argues, unafraid of my tone. I tilt my head to the side, begrudingly saying, "Fine. But you are only allowed to go out hunting with them until I can hunt again. And then it's the usual rules. You can at 16." She scowls but takes the point, grabbing a stick and drawing a picture in the soil.

At around midday, Octavia, Raven, Charlotte, Madi, Jordan, Harper and I walk down to the river, leaving the four men behind to build a play house. The young duo liked to wander off on spontaneous walks every other day, so building a small cabin for them to play in was the best idea in this case.

Harper takes Lottie, Jordan and Madi down into the water, splashing around with them and having fun while Raven, Octavia and I sit on the rockside. Aden starts to gurgle and cry, Raven covering her chest up to feed him. "You have no idea what it was like without you guys. You know that. Everyday was the same as the one before, not really having any purpose to do. We craved everyday for the times that we were fighting for something, anything was better than living on repeat. I am just thankful you guys are here now." I say, looking out across the greenery. My best friends wrap their arms over my shoulders for an awkward hug, "We are glad that we are with you too." Raven says quietly.

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