Chapter 6

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Just as the party starts, half an hour before Clarke arrives

Bellamy's P.O.V

I scan through the growing crowd, trying to see the blonde bundle of joy I called my best friend. But, I have no luck. However I do spot my sister making her way over to the makeshift bar.

I make a bee-line to her, making her jump once I reach her. "Bellamy! Jesus dude you made me crap myself!" O says very over-dramatically, clutching her hand to her chest. I roll my eyes and turn over to Monty who was obviously running the bar. "You're gonna need this it seems," He laughs, pushing a cup of moonshine across the bar. My sister fakes a laugh and grabs herself a cup, much to my dismay. Once she sees the disapproving look on my face she brings the cup to her lips and downs it in a few gulps, then leans over to the dispenser and pours a whole new drink. "Go float yourselves!" She calls back over her shoulder, giving us both a playful smirk.

Octavia leans forward to grab my arm and starts to pull me towards our friendship group, who were all sat by the fire chatting. Lincoln sat holding a cup of his own, having a teasing conversation with Jasper. Miller was sat rather close to Jackson, the backs of their fingers touching. Harper sat down as we walked over to the group, immediately starting a conversation with O. Raven already looked pretty tipsy, and she was getting very fond of Roan. Murphy glares at the king before turning his attention to me.

"Where's the princess then Blake?" Murphy teases, seeing the chance to channel his own annoyance into me. For some unknown reason... I glare at him and laugh, sitting myself down beside him. "How's the mechanic?" I quip back, shutting him up instantly.

Murphy had started to like Raven after she forgave him for shooting her, but Raven was a tricky one. She was with Finn, then they split up. Then me and her hooked-up once or twice, and she also had a fling going on with Wick. And now she is leading Roan and Murphy into it as well. In my opinion, she was going to find herself in a hard situation very soon. One she won't want to be in.

Murphy and I easily jump into a whole unrelated conversation until finally someone put on some music and people immediately got up to dance. Most of our group stuck to the fire pit we were in, except for Harper, Jasper and Octavia who all got up to dance. But, there was still no sign of Clarke.

I had promised myself that if she wasn't here 40 minutes after the party had started I would go and find her. But only now did the most daunting thought of the night wash over me. Where is Finn?

I suddenly start to panic. Could he have gone to her tent to do that to her again? Fuck where are they??

I scan the crowd again, this time spotting Finn on the otherside of the camp, with his usual scowl plastered to his face. And yet I couldn't see the Princess. Thank god.

Clarke's P.O.V

I made my way over to the crowd spotting Bellamy and most of the others sat down at the fire pit furthest away from the dancing bodies. I wandered over to the bar, grabbing a drink and headed back down to the others.

I didn't get very far before someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. Finn. "Finn let go of me." I said sternly, he didn't listen. "Clarke, we both know that that isn't how it works now is it." I tried to yank my arm back but his grip was like steel. I started to grow worried, scared that I wouldn't be able to get loose like last time. "Finn. Let go of Clarke now!" A voice bellowed from behind me, Kane.

I turned around to see him and Octavia striding over to my aid. Finn let go of my arm and stood there shocked. "Finn Collins, you are hereby under arrest for the raping of Clarke Griffin." Kane said loudly. People started to turn their heads to see the commotion and the music stopped. Finn didn't move. This time he grabbed my body, pulling it towards him making me face the crowd.

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