Your life

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You just got out of school when Sierra, your best friend, ran up to you. When Sierra saw you, she wanted to catch up to you before you went home. School was exhausting as usual and you were ready to go home, but you were looking forward to talking to your friend. You weren't the most popular girl in school, but you definitely weren't unpopular.

"Hey Y/n, are you coming to cheer practice tomorrow?" Sierra asked you once she was standing next to you.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." You replied, smiling as you stopped walking so that you could face her.

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow." Sierra told you before she gave you a hug and walked to her dad's car.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." You cheerfully responded as you waved goodbye.

After Sierra got into her dad's car and he drove out of the school parking lot, you started walking home. It was a little cloudy and breezy outside, but you knew that it wouldn't rain. You enjoyed walking home unless it was in the middle of summer; it just got so hot in Jasper. Once you got home, you put your backpack down near the front door, took your shoes off and walked into the kitchen. You smiled when you saw one of your moms and your younger brother waited for you.

"Hey mom, hey Y/b/n." You said as you grabbed some F/s out of the fridge/cupboard.

"Hey Y/n, how was school?" M/1/n asked when she turned to look at you.

"School was exhausting as usual. I'm happy to be home, though." You answered before sitting at the breakfast nook, ready to eat your F/s.

"Are you going to cheer practice tomorrow?" M/1/n queried, smiling as she spoke; both of your moms were proud of you.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it if aliens abducted me." You jested happily, opening up the package/container that held your favorite snack.

Your younger brother snorted out a laugh after what you said about aliens abducting you, causing you to glare at him. Your mom just rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to what she had been doing before you came home. Your other mother would come home from work later on that afternoon, just in time for dinner. What you didn't know at the time was that your life was about to change, starting with nearly getting abducted by an alien.

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