An unexpected question

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It had been a week ever since Ryan had slept over at the scrap yard with Bee's team, but ever since then Ryan had a question for both you and Ratchet.

"Mom, sire, where do babies come from?" Ryan casually asked you during dinner.

As soon as Ryan asked you that question you almost spit your water out.

"Ryan, where did you......why do you want to know?!" Ratchet asked Ryan in surprise and Shock.

"Because I overheard Sideswipe talking to Windblade about it." Ryan said.

"Remind me to bring my wrench the next time I go to the scrap yard." Ratchet told you.

"I will." You said.

"So, where do they come from?" Ryan asked you.

"Uh.....we'll tell you when you're older." You said awkwardly.

"Why can't I know now, is it a secret?" Ryan asked Ratchet.

"Yes!" You and Ratchet said at the same time.

"Why is it a secret?" Ryan asked you.

"Because it is, okay?" You asked Ryan.

"Okay, but someday I'm going to find out." Ryan said.

"Hopefully that will be a long time from now." You said.

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