You become Cybertronian

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"Quickly you two, hurry up!" Ratchet said as he connected a few things to your body while Knockout and Breakdown attached a few things to the Cybertronian femme's body.

"Everything's ready!" Knockout said.

Ratchet pulled the switch and electricity sparked around the femme's body.

"Are you absolutely sure that Y/n's consciousness will be transferred to the femme's body?" Knockout asked Ratchet.

"Yes, I'm sure." Ratchet said.

"And she'll have a spark?" Breakdown asked Ratchet.

"Yes, that is what this machine that you two brought from Cybertron is for." Ratchet said.

Suddenly a S/c spark appeared in the open spark chamber of the femme and the spark monitor began beeping.
Ratchet then turned the machine off and your new spark was healthy so Ratchet closed your spark chamber so that Knockout and Breakdown weren't getting a free peep show.

"She seems like she's going to be alright." Breakdown said.

"Yes, but we need to wait for her to wake up." Ratchet said.

"You know, I could give her a paint job when she wakes up." Knockout said as he looked at your new body.

"Come on Knockout, I'm sure Ratchet wants to be alone with Y/n." Breakdown told Knockout.

By now Everyone, including Ryan, who still was kinda young (due to him being techno organic) and his and Strongarm's kids, were waiting outside the med bay. A few hours later your O/c optics fluttered open and you saw Ratchet smiling at you.

"R-Ratchet?" You asked, your voice no longer raspy.

"How are you feeling Y/n?" Ratchet asked you as he scanned you.

"I feel fine, but what happened, the last thing I remember was saying goodbye to you." You said.

"With the help of Knockout and Breakdown we were able to transfer you to a Cybertronian femme body." Ratchet told you.

"So, does that mean we can be together forever?" You asked.

"Yes Y/n, we can. Here, drink this." Ratchet said as he handed you a cube of med grade energon.

You took the cube of energon and tried drinking it. Unfortunately you weren't expecting it to taste so horrible.

"Yuck, this is disgusting." You said after you tried some of the energon.

"Yes, but you need to drink the whole cube." Ratchet told you.

"So, when can I get my alt mode?" You asked Ratchet curiously.

"Tomorrow, Russell and Hank got some new cars they need to work on, I think you'll like them." Ratchet told you.

Later that evening everyone got to see how you were doing and Ryan kept asking you if you remembered things from when he was a kid.

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