Baby bump

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You were currently getting dressed when you noticed something different when you passed your bathroom mirror. You looked at yourself in the mirror again and noticed that your stomach looked a little bit bigger.

"It's about time you started showing." You said to your bump as you gently rubbed it.

You finished getting dressed and you brushed your hair and teeth before you walked out of your bathroom and headed to the kitchen where Ratchet was waiting for you.

"Good morning Y/n." Ratchet said as he pulled you in for a kiss.

"Good morning Ratchet, guess what?" You asked Ratchet as you tried not to smile.

"Y/n, you know that I don't like guessing games." Ratchet said grumpily.

"Don't remind me." You said playfully.

"What's got you so happy this morning?" Ratchet asked you.

"Why don't you have a look for yourself?" You asked Ratchet as you lifted your shirt up just enough for your baby bump to show.

" that what I think it is?" Ratchet asked you as he looked at your belly.

"Uh huh, it is." You said as you smiled.

"By the motherboard, you finally have a baby bump." Ratchet said in awe as he rested his hand on your baby bump.

"Well, what do you think?" You asked Ratchet.

"I think you look beautiful with a baby bump." Ratchet said as he kissed you passionately.

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