He tries cooking

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Since today both of your moms and your younger brother were out you were able to spend the day at the Autobot base.

Since you were coming over and Optimus had told him to learn more about humans Ratchet decided to try making breakfast for you.

Ratchet brought you to base and he told you to wait in the human area before his holoform went into the little kitchen that was in the base.

Ratchet had decided to make scrambled eggs for you to eat so he turned the stove on, got a frying pan ready and got a couple of eggs out of the refrigerator and dropped them into the frying pan.

"This seems easy enough." Ratchet said to himself as he waited for the eggs to cook.

Once he thought they were ready Ratchet scooped the eggs onto a plate with a spatula.

Ratchet then grabbed a fork and headed over to the human area where you were waiting for him.

"I made you what you humans call 'breakfast'." Ratchet said as he handed you the plate and fork, unfortunately Ratchet didn't know not to add the egg shells.

"Thanks." You said nervously as you tried to pick the shells out.

"You're welcome." Ratchet said before his holoform fizzled out and he went to the med bay.

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