He gets turned into a sparkling

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Today Ratchet had been sent out on a mission with Ultra Magnus to get a relic.

You had gotten a ride with Miko after school since Ratchet was busy.

Once you got to base with the other kids however you saw Ultra Magnus holding a relic in one servo and something else in his other servo.

"Is that.....is that....Ratchet?" Bulkhead asked Ultra Magnus curiously.

"Yes, the Decepticons used this relic to turn Ratchet into a sparkling, thankfully I was able to get both Ratchet and the relic." Ultra Magnus replied.

"Can I see him....Sir?" You asked Ultra Magnus nervously.

"I suppose since you're his charge." Ultra Magnus replied, handing Ratchet to you.

"Awww, he's so cute!" You said as you held Ratchet.

Ratchet however gave you a grumpy look.

"I see he's still grumpy as ever." You sighed.

Miko then took a picture of you holding Ratchet and he gave her an even grumpier look.

"Awww, he's soooo cute when he's grumpy!" Miko squealed.

"Is there a way to turn him back to normal?" You asked Ultra Magnus.

"I'm not sure." Ultra Magnus replied as he took the relic to the med bay.

You then got an idea so you took Ratchet over to the couch, laid him down and began tickling him in places where humans were normally ticklish.

To your surprise Ratchet began giggling and laughing which made everyone in the main room, including Optimus, smile.

After a few minutes you stopped tickling Ratchet and once he stopped giggling he yawned so you picked him up and started slowly rocking him, making him fall asleep.

"Aww!" Miko whispered as she took a picture of Ratchet sleeping in your arms.

You couldn't help but smile as you watched Ratchet sleeping in your arms, he looked so relaxed.

"I have found a way to reverse the effects of the relic." Ultra Magnus whispered to you as he stood near the human area.

"So.....Ratchet has to turn back to normal?" You asked Ultra Magnus sadly as you looked down at Ratchet.

"Yes." Was all Ultra Magnus said.

You carefully put Ratchet in Ultra Magnus's servo and he took Ratchet to the med bay.

"Don't worry Y/n, I got plenty of pictures of you holding Ratchet." Miko told you as she sat down next to you.

"Thanks Miko." You said with a small smile.

About an hour later Ratchet walked out of the med bay and over to the human area.

"Ultra Magnus told me what happened." Ratchet said as he looked at you.

"Oh...." You said awkwardly.

"I.....just wanted to thank you." Ratchet said as a small smile crept onto his face.

"You're welcome, I had a good time taking care of you." You told Ratchet.

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