Chapter 2

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Dustin: Algebra is literally the worst. There were all sorts of long equations in our practice test. Why do we need this stuff anyways?

Mike: No idea. Maybe for college?

Dustin: Yeah. Maybe.

El: I'm still confused on how zero divided by two is error. Error isn't a number so how is that the answer?

     They all laughed. El looked a little confused but realized that she just didn't know what it meant.

Mike: I'm going to get something from the vending machines. Anyone want to g-

Will: I'll go!

Mike: Okay. Let's go.

     As they walked off, Max and Lucas joined the group.

Dustin: Hey Lucas. Hey Mad Max.

Lucas: Hey.

Max: H-Hey.

     Max looked over at El and connected eyes. El smiled. Max smiled back and wondered what it was about Eleven that made her feel this way. Was it her shoulder-length brown hair, or was it her dark brown eyes. Or was it her. Just her as a being.

Dustin: Theres this new movie about aliens and all that stuff coming out this weekend. You guys want to go see it?

Lucas: Hell yeah! Max, you want to go together?

     He looked over at Max who looked at him. She thought about it and thought that if El went, then she would go too.

Max: Maybe.

Lucas: Oh, okay.

El: I'll ask Hopper. He'll more than likely say yes.

Max: You know what. I'll go too.

Lucas: Awesome! Cant wait!

Max: Yeah.

Dustin: Sweet! I'll tell Mike and Will. See you guys later.

     They all watch Dustin run off down the hall to find Mike and Will. Max was excited to go out with everyone outside of school. Especially El. The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't wait for Saturday. The bell rang and signalled them all to part ways for a few more classes. Eleven went to her easier classes since she was behind on subjects. Dustin and Lucas went to their college prep courses and Max went to her normal English class.


     The next couple days went by like any other. The gang still hung out, Mike and Lucas made ammends, and Max was still curious about her feeling for Eleven. But sure enough, Saturday came and the gang met up at the arcade before the movie. Lucas and his mom picked Max up and took them to the arcade.

Lucas' Mom: Have fun you two!

Lucas: We'll try mom. Bye.

     Lucas rolled his eyes as his mom blew him a kiss like moms usually do to embarass their kids. They both head inside and meet up with El, Dustin, and Will.

Max: Hey guys.

     Max looked at El and smiled. The feeling was still there after the entire week, but it wasnt as strong now. Which was good because everyone was noticing that Max was acting weird when she was around El. 

Dustin: Hey Max, hey Lucas.

El: Hi.

Lucas: Is Mike not here yet?

Will: Nope. I think his dad is bringing him. 

     Not to long after, Mike's dad, Ted pulled up to the arcade. The gang walked outside to meet with Mike, but they didnt see him in the car.

Dustin: Hey Mr. Wheeler. Wheres Mike?

Ted: Grounded. Didnt do his chores like his mom asked him to. 

Dustin: What the Hell!

Ted: Hey!

Lucas: Damnit Mike.

Ted: Hey! Language!

Will: How long is he grounded for?

Ted: Probably 2 weeks. I was grounded like that once. I was caught doing some inappropriate things with Mikes mother back in the day. I was-

Dustin: What the Hell, Mr. Wheeler.

Max: Ew.

El: Yeah. Ew.

Will: Interesting.

     They all looked over at Will. Will looked back at them.

Will: I was just saying that it was interesting how he got grounded. You know.

Max: Right.

Dustin: Well damn. I guess we can walk over to the theater now since Mike isn't coming. What a bunch of bullshit.

     They began to walk off towards the theater.

Ted: Language!

     They walked down the block to the movie theater and payed for their tickets. Once inside, they bought some popcorn and went to find their seats.

Lucas: This movie is going to be awesome!

Will: I know! Sucks Mike isn't here though.

Dustin: I guess. But we can still enjoy the movie and rub it into him later!

     They found a good row to sit in and got their seats. Lucas was the first int he row and Max was the last so they couldn't really sit be each other. But Max wasn't complaining. She was sitting next to El and Dustin. There were two buckets of popcorn that the group could pass back and forth, but the girls decided to share one and Will didn't want any so there was enough popcorn. The movie began with a loud orchestra playing while huge space ships shot at each other through an asteroid belt. 

Dustin: Holy Shit, this is awesome!

     Max took a handful of popcorn and ate it. As the movie went on, the popcorn began to get lower and lower. Max went to get another handful when her and El touched hands. She blushed. That feeling was back, this time stronger than anytime before. She looked over at Eleven, who looked at her. She smiled and El smiled back. Max slowly removed her hand from the bucket, and as she looked back over towards the movie, she could only smile.

(A/N: Im working on Chapter 3. Thank you for your patience. And if you have any questions, concerns, or see a typo somewhere, just let me know in the comments. Thank you and Ill talk to you guys soon!)

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