Chapter 14

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Hoppers POV:

The hospital disappears from view as Hopper drives down the dark road. The dispatcher constantly talked through the radio to the officers searching for Billy as Hopper turned on the road that he was on only 3 hours ago. Police cars filled the street and he got closer and the lights illuminate the forest road. Some officers stood around the car writing on notepads and taking pictures of the wreckage and the blood trail that led into the woods. Hopper gets out of his Blazer and grabs his flashlight and jacket. He clicked on his flashlight and began his search into the forest, following the trails of blood and the distant lights bobbing through the trees. The cool night air began to slither through the trees as Hopper continued farther and farther into the dark woods. Soon, the trail of blood ended. The other parts of the search party were still a few hundred yards ahead of him, still continuing the search for Billy. Hopper pulls out his radio and clicks it on.

Hopper: How are we lookin up there?

Officer: We have no leads. Blood trail ended back where you are, Chief. Still looking.

Hopper: Radio back if you find anything.

Officer: Roger that.

Hopper slipped his radio back in its holster. He scanned his flashlight back and forth over the leaves on the ground. He looked around the forest and decided to go farther to the left of the group. Maybe they missed something.


Wills POV:

Eleven fell asleep not long after Hopper left. She was exhausted. Will and the others sat in silence most the time. Nothing much to talk about. They all worried about Max and if she would recover from her injuries. Will occasionally glanced over at Mike. Even in times like these, Wills feelings towards Mike never disappeared. They both sat side by side while the others sat on the other side of the room. Nurses came in and out of the room, checking Els vitals and whatnot. Mike stands up and everyone looks at him.

Mike: I'm going to go to the vending machine. Anyone want anything?

Dustin: Three Musketeers if they have some.

Mike: Anyone else?

Nobody answered.

Mike: Alrighty then. I'll be back.

Will: Ill go with you. Need to stretch my legs.

Mike: Okay.

Will and Mike walked out of the dimly lit room and into the bright hallway. Will squinted his eyes as they adjusted to the white light. They both walked down the hall towards the vending machines. Will glanced over at Mike as they walked, smiling each time. He really likes him. But he didn't know if Mike felt the same way. They moved out of the way as nurses and doctors went about their daily routines and duties. They reached the vending machines and Mike began to dig into his pocket for the cash.

Will: So what are you going to get?

Mike continued to dig out the money. He counted the quarters and began to put them into the machine.

Mike: I don't know. Maybe a Snickers or something like that.

Will: Just don't forget Dustin's Three Musketeers.

Mike: I wont.

Mike pressed the buttons for the three musketeers and for M&Ms. While he did that, Will thought about Mike and how much he wanted to be with him.

Mike: Will, you want anything?

Will: You.

Will didn't think before he spoke. His eyes widened as he blushed.

Mike: W-What?

Will: Uh, I don't want anything.

Will began to run back towards the room where El was kept. He didnt look back.

Mike: Will wait!

But Will didnt stop. Not until he was in the room and sat down. He stared at the floor, to embarrassed to speak.

Dustin: Where's Mike?

Will: Um, he's coming.

     Mike soon walks into the room. Will glances at him as Mike walked across the room and handed the Three Musketeers bar to Dustin. Will knew he messed up any chance he had to be with Mike. And he thought about that for a long time.


Max's POV:

     Max awoke in a dimly lit room. She squinted her eyes as they adjusted to the light. Even though they weren't bright, she hadn't seen much light in a while. Monitors beeped around her as she tried to sit up. Her leg was in a cast and there were bandages on her arms and head. A nurse walked into the room and Max froze.

Nurse: I'm glad to see you're awake Ms. Mayfield. How are you feeling?

     Max didn't know how to respond. She was just kidnapped, and severely beaten by her so-called brother. But she had to be nice. 

Max: I'm still in a lot of pain.

Nurse: That's to be expected after that kind of trauma. Just stay in bed and rest. You're safe now. 

Max: What about my girl-, er, my friend Eleven?

     The nurse had a confused look on her face.

Nurse: Eleven? I don't think we have anyone here with that name.

Max: What about El?

Nurse: Ah, yes. The runaway.

     Max sat there for a moment. The pain made it so hard to talk.

Max: She ran away?

Nurse: Yeah. A few hours ago. But her father found her and brought her back to the hospital. She is doing fine. Just a little banged up. The chief said she fainted in the middle of the road as they found you.

     Max was almost in tears. El was okay. She was safe. But where was everyone. The guys. Hopper. Her parents. But the pain came back stronger than ever and Max cried out.

Nurse: Just lay back down Ms. Mayfield. Try and rest. I will give you some more medicine for the pain.

     The nurse injected a syringe into Maxs IV tube and walked away. Max felt the ice cold medicine reach her veins and she slipped into the darkness once again.


Hoppers POV:

     Hopper continued through the woods, searching for any sign of Billy. The other officers continued to talk back and forth over the radio. He stomped through the underbrush as he noticed something in the distance. 

Hopper: Dispatch, get me some backup to my location. I think I might have something.

Dispatch: 10-4 Chief.

     The dispatcher called out a few unit numbers to the other officers and Hopper began to hear them running in the distance. He knelt down and looked through the darkness. There, just beyond his line of sight, was a small rundown building. There were vines and branches around it and the roof had already collapsed a bit. He turned off his flashlight and waited for the other officers. When they got there, Hopper began to lead them up to the building. They all had their guns out, ready to fire at anything that moved. Hopper wanted Billy to be in there. He wanted justice for Max. For the pain he brought to that innocent girl. As Hopper got to a doorway, there was an eerie silence. Then, the ear splitting sound of gunfire.

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