Chapter 4

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     It's been 3 months since the first sleep over at El's. Since then, Max and Eleven have been slowly developing a closer friendship. They have been hanging out almost everyday and have been just like best friends. There have been more sleep overs, and more talk about the different things going on at school. Max still had that feeling when she would be around El, but she hasn't told anyone. She was still afraid of what Billy might do. Scream at her? Lock her out of the house? Hit her? That's what scared Max the most. The thought haunted her everyday.


1 week later:

El: Hey Max! What's happening?

     She motioned towards the guys, who were huddled around each other, whispering amongst themselves.

Max: Some guys only meeting. I thought we got past this childish shit but I guess I was wrong.

El: Apparently.

Max: Are our plans still on for tomorrow?

El: You mean to go and watch The Labyrinth? Hell yeah!

Max: Awesome! I honestly dont think I can wait much longer.

El: Me neither.

     The guys broke the huddle and walked back towards Max and El.

Max: What was that all about?

Mike: None of your concern.

Max: Whatever. Probably some stupid nerd stuff anyways.

Dustin: Well for your information, it had nothing to do with anything nerd worthy.

Lucas: Yeah. Totally.

El: You guys are real weird sometimes. You all ready for Thanksgiving break?

Max: Hell yeah!

Lucas: Its going to be totally tubular.

     Max rolls her eyes. Hes done this ever since they met.

Max: Dont you ever get bored of annoying me, Stalker?

Lucas: Nope. It's quite fun actually.

     Max swings her fist into Lucas' arm.

Lucas: Ow. What the hell.

Max: That's for annoying me.

Lucas: Whatever. That really hurt though.

     Lucas walked away rubbing his upper arm. Max felt a little sympathy but not enough to care.

El: You really dont like Lucas a whole lot do you Max?

Max: There are definitely one way emotions between us. He likes me. I do not like him. Besides. I'm into gi......

     Max realized what she said. She trailed off and looked around at everyone. They all looked at her with confused expressions on their faces.

Dustin: What did you say?

Max: Uh. G-Gills. I love fish. I-Im in this club called..uh..Gills not Bills. You know like the guy name Bill. We care for fish more than guys. I'm surprised you guys never heard of it.

Dustin: Huh. Interesting I guess.

Max: Yeah. Well I better get to class. Later.

El: Lates.

     Everyone parted ways and began to walk to class. Max walked down the hall but stopped when she heard her name.

Will: Max! Hey!

     She turned and saw Will running towards her.

Max: What is it Will?

Will: Tell me. What time do you guys meet up for your group?

Max: Um. Fridays at 3:30.

Will: Interesting. Because I know that's when you go to the arcade after school to beat the highscores.

Max: Um.

Will: Which means that 'Gills not Bills' is not a thing, and you dont like Lucas because....

     Will leaned closer to Max.

Will: You're a lesbian.


Will: Woah. Calm down. It's fine. I'm not going to tell anyone. And just to be sure. I'm Gay! We are in the same boat here Max.

Max: I. Um. I dont know what to say.

Will: And. I like someone in the group just like you do.

     Max thought of El. Did she really like El. Was she really a lesbian. There were so many thoughts running through her head.

Will: I like Mike. Its probably pretty obvious. But not as obvious as your feelings for Eleven. I mean, come on. You didn't want to see that movie a few months ago until she said she would go. And all these constant hangouts that you two have. I've known for awhile.

Max: I swear to God if you tell anyone about this, I will put you so far into the ground, you'll wish you were back in the Upside Down.

     Will got a shocked look on his face. Max could tell that one hit him hard.

Max: Shit. I'm sorry Byers. That was to far.

Will: No. It's fine. It means you're serious. I wont tell anyone. As long as you keep my secret.

Max: Deal.

     They both shook hands like they just made a business deal. This did mean business. Their lives were on the line now. And for Max, possibly her life if Billy ever found out.

A.N.- Sorry for the delay of Chapter 4. Got a bit of writers block so took a break for a bit. But I'm back. And shits bouta hit the fan. Chapter 5 should release soon. Thanks for all the Love and Support!

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