Chapter 10

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Dustin: So what's it like being, you know, gay.

Max: Its just like everything else, Dustin. Normal. Nothing is different.

Dustin: Oh.

     Max focused back on the game. She was so close to beating her highscore on DigDug. She wasnt going to let anyone stop her. And she knew that Dustin was trying to mess her up. She jammed the buttons and the joystick as she got deeper into concentration.

Dustin: Have you guys kissed yet.

Max: Fuck off, Dustin. You wont mess me up.

Dustin: Ooo, someones getting pissed.

Max: Because I know you are trying to mess me up so you keep 2nd place.

Dustin:  Touché.

     Max mashed the buttons a little longer and finally raised her hands up in the air.

Max: In your face, Henderson.

Dustin: Damnit. You win this time.

Max: Looks like I win everytime. You'll never be able to beat my score Henderson.

Dustin: Yeah, yeah. So what are we going to play next?

Max: Nothing. I have to go meet up with El at Starcourt. Typical relationship stuff.

Dustin: Oh, uh, yeah.

Max: How come you havent talked about Suzie lately? You guys alright?

     Dustin sat there for a minute. His eyes glimmered with sadness.

Dustin: Yeah. We are alright. Shes just been so busy with school. I miss talking to her all the time. I havent heard from her for a few weeks. I just dont want to lose her.

     They stood there for a minute, both deep in thought.

Max: That just means that maybe she needs space. She cant be there everyday. Just give her some time.

Dustin: I know. I just love having her even if she lives 1,552 miles away.

Max: The fact that you know exactly how far it is worries me a little.

Dustin: Its just a little math.

Max: Yeah, but you're a nerd so.

     Dustin shoots Max a glare of 'Really bitch'. Max giggled a bit.

Max: Well anywho. I gotta go meet El. I'll talk to you later, nerd.

     Max walks towards the arcade doors and walks out.

Dustin: You're the nerd. Nerd.


     Max met up with El at the Starcourt Mall. They walked around the different stores, talking, and laughing. They eventually got hungry and went to Scoops Ahoy, a small ice cream shop on the ground level of the mall. They walked into the shop and made their way to the counter.

Steve: Ahoy there girls. What can I get for you.

      They both looked at the list of flavors and made their choice.

Max: I'll have chocolate in a waffle cone.

El: And I'll have strawberry in a waffle cone.

Steve: Alright. I'll get right in that.

     Steve walked over to the freezer and scooped out the oce cream and distributed the scoops into the cones. The back room door swung open and a woman walked out. She was about 5'9, with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

Robin: Oh Dingus! Phone call for you.

Steve: Who is it?

Robin: Your mother.

Steve: Damnit. What does she want.

     Steve puts the ice cream scoop down and walks into the back. The woman, Robin, stood there. She looked at Max with an intruiged look on her face.

Robin: You're that Mayfield girl right? The one that almost died?

     Max felt her heart leap to her throat. The memories that she tried so hard to push out of her mind flooded in.

Max: Y-Yeah. That's me.

Robin: I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Here.

     Robin hands the girls their cones.

Robin: Its on the house. Glad your okay.

Max: Well thanks. I am too. I'll never have to see him again so I just try to not think about it. It's just another event in the past.

     El reached over and interlocked her fingers with Max. Max looked over and smiled. It was just another event in the past. And because of it, she has a better life with the girl she loves.

Robin: Well sorry for bringing it up. Also, good to know I'm not the only lesbian around here.

El: What! You're gay too?

Robin: Damn straight. Love every second of it.

Max: Well damn. Well, thanks for the ice cream and such. It was nice meeting you.

Robin: You too. Better go make sure dingus back there hurries up.

      Max and El walk out of Scoops Ahoy, licking at their ice cream. They continue walking past the different storefronts and watching all the different people walk by. Max noticed a hooded man walking at a distance behind them, but she thought nothing of it. They finished their ice cream and threw away their napkins. Max noticed the sound of static and took off her backpack. She pulled out her walkie and clicked to a different channel. A voice instantly came through.

Lucas: Max! Do you copy? This is a code Red!

     Max hesitated and looked at El. El nodded and Max clicked the button.

Max: Lucas? What the hell is going on?

Lucas: Its Billy. Hes out. Hes back in Hawkins!

Max: Fuck off Lucas. It's not funny.

Lucas: No, I'm telling the truth. Cops are talking about it over the radio. It's all over the news channels. Max, where are you?

     Max froze. The fear took over immediately. The air seemed heavy, and her body felt like lead. She couldnt move.

Lucas: Max? MAX!? Where the hell are you?

     El tightened her grip around Max's arm and took the walkie.

El: We are at Starcourt.

Lucas: You guys need to get out of there now!

El: Okay. I'll radio when we are safe. Over and out.

El pulled Max's arm and started running towards the exit. Max started to run with El, fighting against fear that chased her. They ran across the mall parking lot to the street, not stopping to see if anyone was following them. They sprinted down the street, heading for home. They turned down an alley to make it home faster and had the joy of almost being home. Its safety. But it was all cut short. A hooded man reached out and grabbed Max. Max screamed and El turned towards the man. She held out her arm, ready to fight. The hooded man tightened his grasp on Max and he pulled out a handgun. El steadied her hand, preparing for the accuracy she'll need to push the man away from Max. El steadied herself and planted her feet strong into the gravel. The man made a quick movement and a loud bang rang into Max's ear. She watched El fall to the ground.


     Tears streamed down Max's face as she looked at Elevens lifeless body laying in the alley. The man then hit Max with the butt of the gun and she faded into darkness. A place where she had always dread.

(A.N: I am so sorry for those who have been waiting so long for this chapter. I've had a layout for the previous chapters but had changed the ending so many times and rewrote this chapter more times than any other. But I am satisfied with how the ending will play out in a few chapters. Thank you all for your patience! <3)

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