Chapter 12

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Max's POV:

Max woke up in pain. She couldnt move her one leg, and her eyes burned from crying. The room was silent, except for the slight draft from the wind outside. The darkness still surrounded her as she looked around the room. She lay in the pain and silence for a long time. Then a small sound. She didn't notice it at first but as it continued she looked in the direction of it. It sounded like static. Her walkie! She rolled onto her stomach and began to crawl. With every inch she moved, the more the pain consumed her. A bone protruded from her leg, distinctive by the pain of it even when her leg was still. But she fought it. She quickly crawled to her walkie. The sound got closer and closer. She finally found it and clicked the talk button in.

Max: D-Dustin. H-Help me. P-Please.

There was a moment of silence again.

Dustin: Max?

Max: Y-You need to help me. Billy beat my leg with a lead pipe. It's broken.

Dustin: Okay Max. Where are you?

Max looked around in the darkness again.

Max: I'm not sure. I think some sort of warehouse. The room I'm in is huge.

Dustin: I'll find Hopper and let him know. I'm glad you're still alive. We expected the worst.

Max: Yeah. But I don't know how much longer I have if Billy comes back before I get out.

Dustin: Just do your best to stay safe. I will contact you when I find Hopper.

Max: T-Thank you.

Max clicked the radio off. She sighed in relief. They knew she was gone. She was going to be safe. That is, if Billy didnt find her first.


Dustin's POV:

Dustin runs down the street back towards the hospital. He had to tell Hopper what happened. He saw the hospital in the distance and he pushed his legs as hard as he could to run there. He bursts through the hospital doors and runs down the hall towards where Hopper was.

Dustin: Hopper! Hop-

Hopper: What the hell is wrong with you?

Dustin: I-its Max.

Dustin tries to catch his breath. He never runs like that.

Hopper: Spit it out kid.

Dustin: She got her walkie. She said Billy has her. In some sort of warehouse.

Hopper: Damnit. Can you stay here for El?

Dustin: Sure. But what do I tell my mom?

Hopper: The truth.

Hopper jogged down the hallway and turned a corner. Dustin sat there alone in the hall, just him, while El was who knows where and while Max could have been found by Billy. It was all to much for him. He sobbed.


Max's POV:

     Max awoke again in the darkness. Her eyes burned from the tears and her legs screamed in pain. She slowly began to get up but stopped in her effort. There was a faint sound. She thought it was just the dark building until she heard it again. That sound. Shes heard it before. It was the roar of a 375 horsepower V-8 engine in a Chevrolet Camaro. Billy was back. There was a loud metallic grinding sound as Max tried to hide. A sliver of silver light shot across the room and slowly disappeared as the sound repeated. The echo of footsteps made Max's heart leap out of her chest. She listened as Billy walked through the large room.

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